Android Users Now Dominate Instagram
MobileNewsSocial Media April 12, 2013 Noemi

A little more than a year ago, Instagram was released for Android. Prior to that release, the photo app was the sole domain of filter-happy iPhone users. I could be wrong, but I think that many an iOS hipster was not happy that the audience base for Instagram suddenly ballooned, thanks to the native app for Android. Yet here we are, approximately a year later…what has happened to Instagram?
What started out as an exclusive iOS app is now the domain of Android users. Based on a blog entry by the Instagram guys, nearly half of all Instagram users are on Android.
In terms of numbers, considering that there were an estimated 100 million active Instagram users at the beginning of 2013, there are almost 50 million Instagram users on Android. Mind blowing? It depends on how you look at it.
When the Android app was launched, there were 30 million users in existence. Considering that within a year, the numbers more than doubled – no small thanks to Android enthusiasts – then we can say that the welcome has been more than warm.
One thing is for sure: the global reach of Instagram is undeniably amazing and makes for a lot of eye candy. From the blog post:
Instagram for Android has helped make this community more global than ever. Major events such as Brazil’s Círio de Nazaré festival, the 85th birthday of Thailand’s King Bhumibol, and a streak of severe thunderstorms throughout Malaysia have been captured by Android Instagrammers and shared to global audiences like never before. We’ve also seen Android Instagrammers contribute to the community in innovative and powerful ways, including @daveedgamboa’s incredible jumpstagrams around Southern California, photos of England’s beautiful Lancashire county from @adamgrayson and even a glimpse into the life of Kenya’s nomads from @grantsmind.
Indeed, with more choices for Android devices worldwide, more beautiful photos have made their way to Instagram. I don’t know how much you use the platform, but there really are some talented photographers out there using it. Filter or no filter.
BlackBerry users may continue to whine about not having a native Instagram app, but for the sensible people who choose to go with iOS or Android, Instagram will only continue to fuel talent or narcissism – not mutually exclusive, by the way.
[Image via thetechblock]