FileHippo News

The latest software and tech news

Never Lose Again Your Digital Memories

Losing photos and precious videos is incomparably much more than just a technical inconvenience: it is an emotional loss of dear memories. Cherished captured moments from family gatherings, vacations, and personal milestones hold deep sentiment. It’s as if part of our past has been torn out when these things disappear….

How to Clean Up Your Computer or Laptop after the Holidays

Your laptop most probably carries more than just travel photos and memories from your holidays. Using it to stay in touch, watch movies, or navigate your way around an unknown location during your vacation adventures, it’s no surprise that digital clutter builds up. From downloading huge files and accessing unfamiliar…

Holiday Video Disasters: Common Issues and How to Solve Them

The arrival of summer is often accompanied by cameras ready to capture every special moment of our vacations. However, too often we discover upon returning home that those memories have various types of errors. From videos that won’t play to corrupt files that prevent us from reliving our experiences, it’s…

Why Regular Software Updates Are So Important
To increase your system’s stability, fix performance problems, and improve security, an automated and regular software update is a wise decision. A regular software update routine doesn’t just ensure your applications and operating system have all the latest bells and whistles. A good software update can improve the overall... Read more
What Is Cyber Security?
Understand the essence of cyber security and the issues facing digital, internet and mobile users. What is cyber security, and what kinds of security threats and implications face personal and business users of the internet and digital realm? These questions often confuse and occasionally overwhelm, as we’re bombarded on an... Read more
Great Video Editing Software For Mac To Download Today
Whether you’re an experienced filmmaker or just starting out, we’ve got some great video editing software choices for you. Apple’s Macintosh platform has traditionally been the operating system for “creatives”, and video editing software has earned a place as one of the top tools in the armoury for creators... Read more
Four Brilliant Pieces Of Audio Recording Software For Windows
With so many options for audio recording software out there, it’s hard to know which to choose. We’ve picked four of our favourites to help you decide. Audio recording software has many applications, ranging from the creation of new and adapted music or the collection of songs, through to... Read more
What Is CRM Software And Why Do You Need It?
We’re here to explain everything you need to know about CRM software – and why you should be using it for your business. In a nutshell, CRM software is a computer application used in streamlining and automating the processes of Customer Relationship Management, or CRM – which, as its... Read more
Recoverit: Reliable Data Recovery Software By Wondershare | Ad
Recoverit is amazing free data recovery software for Windows that boasts a 96% recovery rate! Quite simply, Recoverit retrieves your data from all data loss scenarios including emptied recycle bin, accidental deletion, disk formatting, partition loss, external device corruption, virus attack, system crash, bootable problems, you name it! Wondershare... Read more
How to Convert Video to MP3 For Free
For lovers of soundtracks and sound effects, here are some free downloads of MP3 converter software for PC or Mac, to enable you to convert video to MP3 audio Among the more consistently popular free downloads of software for PC or Mac is the MP3 converter – a utility... Read more
Alternative Messaging Platforms for a Post-Cambridge Analytica World
3 free alternatives to Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp that take privacy seriously. Matters of data privacy and consent to the use of personal information on messaging and social media platforms have been very much in the news, lately, following the involvement of Facebook in the scandal with Cambridge Analytica.... Read more
What a Pane: All the Issues so far with Windows 10’s Latest Update
When is an operating system update not an update? When the new, “improved” version takes four steps backwards for each step it’s supposed to advance. This seems to be the case so far with the latest update to Microsoft’s Windows 10. As well as being good for the soul,... Read more
The Four Best Image Viewers You Can Download For Free
We’ve handpicked four of the best free image viewers you can download today. If you’re a photographer, or simply have a lot of pictures stored on your computer, one thing you might like to download for free is a decent image viewer. An image viewer or photo viewer is... Read more
CleanMyMac 3: Powerful, Intuitive, Simple | Ad
Your Mac. As good as new. Macs are glorious machines with a fiercely loyal fan base. Super-fast and with a killer OS, it’s no wonder people fall in love with them. However, in time even the newest and fastest of Macs will begin to slow down, as it gradually... Read more