FileHippo News

The latest software and tech news

Browser Choices Just Got Better With Citrio’s Latest Update
While the rest of the computing world–and by that I mean Baby Boomers posting their vacation pics to Facebook–digs its heels in and steadfastly sticks to Google Chrome, Mozilla, or Internet Explorer, the really savvy users are getting the job done with one of the lesser known but fully... Read more
Looking For Another Browser? Check Out Opera
Depending on the kind of smartphone or tablet you have, there’s a good chance you’re already steering clear of the major names in web browsers when surfing the web, whether you’re aware of it or not. Even though names like Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer are common as dirt... Read more
Firefox 38 Update Integrates Pocket Service
This week, Firefox has announced the addition of a new feature when Mozilla updated their popular web browser to version 38. Pocket, a read-it-later service designed for saving text and video, will now be fully integrated into Firefox that will help users save articles, videos, and websites that they... Read more
Cortana Is Coming To Android And iOS
It’s official:  Microsoft is releasing Cortana Voice Assistant to both Android and iPhone. Both platforms will get an app that will help you keep your life organized. With features like dictating reminders and keeping track of flights, the app will heavily resemble much of what is seen on the... Read more
Version 43 Is A New Stable Update To Google Chrome
Google Chrome is a popular web browser, thanks to the repeated updates and bug fixes the developers have produced that work to make it run more smoothly and efficiently. As we’re now up to Chrome 43.0, you’d think there wouldn’t be that much more the company can do that... Read more
Opera Mini Browser Updated – New Design And Features
Opera Mini Browser recently received some big updates that have seemingly changed everything about the popular browser. The UI saw a mega-revamp and new features were added like new omnibar support, gesture controls, and data saving features. Opera Mini is one of the world’s most popular web browsers, racking... Read more
When People Love Their Pets A Little Too Much
Who would have ever imagined that there’s such a thing as loving your pet TOO much? After all, our animal companions are a very real part of our lives, and they contribute to our happiness in ways that make the world just seem brighter. But these images prove that... Read more
Who Needs Photoshop? These Pics Prove Timing Is Everything!
In the day of Photoshop–not to point fingers and even suggest that the graphic artists who manipulate digital images into stunning pictures are not artists–it’s easy to forget that once upon a time, you had to have a good camera, a great eye for visuals, and a serious amount... Read more
Chrome Launcher 2.0 Gets Google Now
What is Google Now? Well, it’s a way for Google to give you information it thinks you want based on information you’ve searched before, all in the form of pop-up cards that get sent to your phone or device. Before non-believers start thinking that’s an annoying way to intrude... Read more
Chrome Will Block Oracle’s Java Plugin By Default In Version 42
A recently released Chrome update, Chrome 42, no longer supports Oracle’s Java plugin, bringing to the forefront Google’s decision to completely phase out NPAPI (Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface) by Chrome 45 in September, 2015. NPAPI first came on the scene in 1995 as part of Netscape Navigator 2.0... Read more
Mozilla Update And Calls For Move Away From Insecure HTTP
One of the top three web browsers has issued an update today, opening up the beta of Mozilla 38.0. This is just another in an ongoing line up of adjustments, tweaks, and bug fixes that has kept FireFox in the forefront of both users” and developers’ minds. What may... Read more
The Weirdest Things You Can Buy On Amazon!
Amazon has been dubbed the “evil empire” for its killer instincts when it comes to not only selling you stuff, but doing it better, faster, and cheaper than the other guys. From its humble beginnings as a sweet little online bookshop, Jeff Bezos & Friends has grown into a... Read more
Google Chrome Ending Windows XP Support At End Of Year
Google Chrome has announced the end of support for Windows XP will come at the end of the year, one full year after Microsoft dropped extended support for the decade-old operating system. Most programs still heavily used on Windows XP remain active through extended support, including Oracle’s Java program.... Read more
Netflix Hits 60 Million Subscribers Worldwide
Netflix has announced it reached 60 million global subscribers earlier this year, adding an extra four million from late 2014. Two million came from the US, two millions from overseas, showing the demand worldwide for the video streaming service. 40 million customers come from the US, making the bulk... Read more
Google Fiber Forces Broadband Companies To Compete
Google Fiber is preparing to launch in several new cities in North Carolina, Georgia and Utah in the next year, something that has shaken the traditional internet service providers to actually compete. It must be an odd feeling for companies like Comcast and Time Warner Cable, who for the... Read more
Top eReading Apps For Your Mobile Device
As if smartphones weren’t already smart enough, one of the best things about them is the ability to find a great book to read while you’re waiting in line, taking the train home from work, or otherwise just passing the time. But before you think you’re stuck with just... Read more
Just How Handy Is Amazon’s Echo?
I know what you’re thinking…how useful is this little gadget? It’s basically just another voice-activated doohickey to clutter up your bookshelf and therefore your life, right? Not so fast. Echo not only comes with built-in functionalities that are intended to make life easier for the user, but also comes... Read more
Crazy Kickstarters That Will Have You Going For Your Wallet
You only thought our lives couldn’t get any better with the invention of the self-driving car, the tablet computer, and a phone more powerful than the computers your high school had for typing and business classes. Just to prove that there are no limits to the innovation Man is... Read more