FileHippo News

The latest software and tech news

Online Applications Make Student Loan Fraud Easy
With schools around the country heading back for another school year, a wave of Internet crimes is about to be uncovered. Thanks in large part to the ease of online applications for scholarships, grants, and financial aid, scammers have an easier than ever time of making off with a... Read more
Back To School Cybersecurity Tips
It may seem hard to believe, but summer’s almost over and the new school year is already here. While students prepare for the upcoming term by stocking up on supplies and scrambling to finish their summer reading assignments, there’s someone else who’s excited by the new school year: scammers... Read more
Where Are The Digital Textbooks?
Only a handful of years ago, digital publishing proponents touted the benefits of digital textbooks and their ability to replace the outdated dead tree model of educational publishing. Costs were reportedly going to drop exponentially, schools were going to save money in licensing, and the short life span of... Read more
How Wunderlist’s Update Can Make Back To School Easy
For every parent who claims to celebrate when the bus doors shut, carrying their kids off to another school year, there are more parents who dread the start of another school year. Besides the back to school shopping and the mad rush to purchase supplies, it means another year... Read more