FileHippo News

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The FBI Can Spy On Your Cell Phone Calls Without A Warrant
There’s no doubt about it – the past couple of years have not been kind to the agencies which exist to “protect” us. Just mention the name Edward Snowden in a group of people and you’ll see what I mean. As most anyone knows, he was responsible for blowing... Read more
The FBI is Afraid Of Self-Driving Cars
Self-driving cars offer unlimited potential for us as drivers. Just imagine for a second how the roads would look if all of the cars drove themselves to wherever they needed to get. Drivers could do other things, like prepare for their meetings, etc. instead of focusing all of their... Read more
Teen Arrested For Hoax Terrorism Tweet To American Airlines
A 14-year-old girl from the Netherlands thought that I was a good idea to play a joke with American Airlines by sending a terror threat via Twitter. The tweet read ā€œHello my nameā€™s Ibrahim and Iā€™m from Afghanistan. Iā€™m part of Al Qaida and on June 1st Iā€™m gonna... Read more
Appbucket Founders Convicted
The leader of a piracy group and a co-conspirator, that was engaged in the illegal distribution of copies of copyrighted Android apps have pleaded guilty for their roles in the plot that distributed more than a million copies of copyrighted apps.Ā  The total retail value of these apps was... Read more
Is The FBI Watching You Through Your Laptop?
This news will either frighten you or it will do nothing at all. It seems there is no end to the ways that the US Government can spy on people these days. Every day, it seems, new information is revealed that takes things a step further than the day... Read more
British Hacker Charged With Infiltrating US Government
A British man has been arrested and charged with hacking intoĀ different US government networksĀ and then stealing ā€œmassive quantitiesā€ of confidential data. 28 year old, British hacker Lauri Love, was arrested by representatives of the recently launchedĀ National Cyber Crime UnitĀ of the National Crime Agency (NCA) in Stradishall, Suffolk, last Friday... Read more
FBI Seized $28.5 Million in Bitcoins From Silk Road Owner Ross Ulbricht
The Silk Road made a small fortune during its two and a half years as the webā€™s biggest anonymous black market for illegal drugs, but at least a $28.5 million chunk of that money now belongs to the FBI. The bureau has located and seized a collection of 144,000... Read more
Suspected Operator Of The Silk Road Website Arrested By The FBI
Silk Road, the clandestine online marketplace for illegal items including drugs, is offline following an arrestĀ of the website’s suspected operator by the FBI. A spokesperson said that on Tuesday, Ross William Ulbricht was arrested at a public library in San Francisco “without incident”. Those trying to access The Silk... Read more
FBI Asked Microsoft For Access To Encryption Software
Sources have revealed that the FBI have a history of asking software companies for backdoors in their encryption software to help them catch criminals. The backdoors would provide government agencies with the ability to wiretap peopleā€™s computers. As the news broke out that the NSA had spent millions on... Read more
FBI’s Magic Lantern – The Ultimate Keylogger
Keylogging, the hacking tool that can monitor and store copies of what is being typed by the user, is well known for being an instrument of choice for hackers and identity thieves. However there is another user who is often overlooked; the FBI. The FBI has confirmed that it... Read more
The FBI Can Remotely Activate your Android & Laptop Mics!
Concerns about privacy and the government spying on private lives have always been around. The fear of a Big Brother society is nothing new, and “scandals” that saw the light of day in recent times – Ā PRISM and FBI’s Magic Lantern – have not helped those already suffering from... Read more
FBI Bring Down Massive Child Porn Site With Flaw in Firefox
The United States government has successfully removed one of the Internetā€™s largest child pornography websites, following a program that cracked security on a service that enables anonymous Internet browsing and site hosting. Security expert Brian Krebs reportsĀ thatĀ United States authorities were able to explore software behind a site hosted by... Read more
FBI’s Most Wanted Hackers
There is something about hackers and hacking that make people think of a life of excitement and adventure. People, in general, may be divided into different camps as to their opinion of hackers, which in turn, depends largely on one’s definition of what makes a hacker. If we were... Read more