FileHippo News

The latest software and tech news

My Favorite FileHippo News Articles Of 2015
Well, look at that. It’s almost the end of 2015, and it’s getting really close to that time when my wife will force me to close the lid on the laptop until January of 2016 or she will ‘break it over my head,’ if I don’t. Tis the season... Read more
McAfee Labs: Dark Web Sells Credit Card Numbers For 55 Cents
So it turns out you can now buy stolen passwords for the princely sum of just 55 cents. That is according to a new report by Intel Security group, McAfee Labs who claim to have found login credentials and passwords on a video streaming website. That’s right, for less... Read more
John McAfee Announces Run For President
Just when you thought the US Presidential election couldn’t  get more surreal than it already is, everyone’s favorite self-labelled ‘eccentric millionaire,’ John McAfee has announced his bid for President of the United States of America. No, really, he has. McAfee told “I have many thousands of emails saying... Read more
The Latest Update For McAfee Labs Stinger Is Now Available
Stinger from McAfee Labs, is a quick and installation-free standalone tool for detecting and removing prevalent malware and threats.  It is an ideal tool if your PC has already been infected by malware. While the application is not a replacement for a robust security suite or an antivirus application,... Read more
McAfee Labs Stinger Update Now Available
Stinger from McAffee Labs, is a quick and installation-free standalone tool for detecting and removing prevalent malware and threats.  It is an ideal tool if your PC is already infected. While not a replacement for full-fledged antivirus software, Stinger is updated multiple times a week to include detection for... Read more
McAfee Stinger Update Has New & Enhanced Detections
When it comes to internet security, there is a plethora of choice from various providers. McAfee is a well known name in antivirus and its Stinger product promises to detect and remove malware threats. Although its not a replacement for full fledged antivirus software, McAfee Stinger is a quick... Read more
McAfee To Testify About Belize Murder
Software pioneer John McAfee said on Wednesday last week that he will willingly testify regarding the murder of his American neighbour in Belize in 2012, as he is seeking to defend himself from a wrongful death charge which blames him for the killing. 68 year old McAfee, was named... Read more
McAfee’s Decentral Anti NSA Device For Under $100
John McAfee is a very unusual man.  He was previously employed by NASA, in the 1980’s he began developing software to combat computer viruses and in 1987 he started up McAfee Associates, his Anti Virus Company.  He is now 68 years old and still very active in the technology... Read more