After almost two decades the end of iTunes, as we know it, is here. Rumours of ‘the death of iTunes’ had been circulating for a while, but confirmation came this week. Well, for Mac users at least! Millions of people around the world store their music collections on the... Read more
Software Updates To Boost Multimedia Performance
MultimediaNewsVideo September 22, 2015
Several different software developers released updates that are intended to make your multimedia creation and consumption even more amazing than before. It’s almost as if the pros at a bunch of different software companies woke up one day last month and said, “You know, these people just deserve more!”... Read more
Two New Updates To Enhance Multimedia Use
MultimediaNews September 9, 2015
When Microsoft announced it would no longer be supporting Windows Media Center in its new operating system, the public outcry was pretty loud. Longtime users who’d come to rely on the multimedia platform to fill a variety of needs were left wondering how they’d continue utilizing content. With... Read more
VLC Media Player Updated Across The Board
MultimediaNews March 4, 2015
VLC Media Player is a versatile, stable and high quality free media player. It has dominated the free media player market for over a decade and looks like it may do for another 10 years, due to the constant development and improvements by VideoLAN Org. For the first time VideoLAN Org... Read more