It is no secret that Apple is the largest technology company in the world. They hold great power over the market and dominate the consumer electronics industry like no other company. However, they have been losing ground to other companies like Samsung and Nokia in the mobile devices’ market. Still, Apple’s stature is such that it can map out the future course of the industry. This is why the company’s co-founder Steve Wozniak believes. He also offers some words of the advice for the company.
Wozniak had founded Apple with Steve Jobs back in 1976 but parted ways with the company a few years later. Though Jobs returned to the fold in the 90s, Wozniak has never been a part of the company since leaving. In a recent interview, Wozniak said that despite the increasing competition, Apple is the company to determine the future of the mobile devices’ market. He attributes this power to the core group of loyal customers Apple has built over the years by constantly offering high quality products.
However, the company has been finding it tough to sustain its growth rate after founder Steve Jobs’ death at the end of 2011. Since then, the stocks have been plummeting and Apple is under constant pressure to deliver new products to turn things around. This is what Wozniak believes is the difference between Apple and the other companies in the market. He said that Apple consistently sets the bar for smartphones and tablets with each new product.
Wozniak suggests that the company could do well to open up its ecosystem to users of other mobile platforms. In particular, he mentions iTunes as an example of the software Apple should make available to people using Windows or Android devices. Currently, Apple is selling its novelty factor being a premium brand. This is the reason why its products constantly outsell the competitors’ but the market share has been decreasing for some time now.
One of the new products Apple might come up with in the near future is a device designed like a wristwatch but which includes many of the features currently found on the iPhone and iPad. Wozniak said that he would love to have the device, remarking that Apple does need to work on improving the usability of Siri, its voice recognition software. He also stated that he has been using his iPad Nano wearing it on his wrist.
Apple could do well to listen to the man who created their first ever computer. Wozniak has been constantly commenting on the developments at the company but has no active role. With Jobs’ death, there is a definite void at Apple which CEO Tim Cook is having a hard time filling. It is unlikely that the 62-year old Wozniak would work at Apple again but there is no doubt that the company holds his opinion in high regard.
Let’s see whether some steps are taken to improve Siri and how the new wristwatch like device turns out to be.
[Image via tumblr]