Have you ever found yourself wishing that you had one device to control all of your other devices? Or, have you ever wanted to have a device that could easily tell you where you left one of your devices – especially when you can’t find your phone in the morning? If so, you’re definitely not alone. The more devices we have it seems the more devices we misplace.
Indiegogo is home to many innovative products, one of them being the Wise Button, that promises to simplify our daily lives. Just what is this Wise Button? It’s a button that you can attach to your keychain, or anywhere really, that allows you to remotely control all of your devices.
Just What Can The Wise Button Do For You?
In theory, this button can work across most major platforms, including iOS, Android, and Windows Phones. With the help of Bluetooth and an app, your device can be paired with a Wise Button in no time at all. Once your device is joined to the button, you can do all kinds of things from it, including playing music and taking photos. Perhaps an even better feature is that if your device is ever 20 feet away from you it will alert you and let you know. (Though I can see how this would be annoying in your own home after a while).
Even better than that security feature in my own opinion is the Wise Button’s ability to locate your device with the touch of a button. Just touch a button and your missing device will reveal itself! Wise Button isn’t just for your iPads and iPhones – they also make Bluetooth stickers that can be placed on purses, keys, backpacks, and whatever else tends to go missing in your life. And, don’t worry, if you lose the Wise Button main control, you can use your connected devices to even find it as well.
Does this sound like something you’d use in your life? If you’d like, you can invest $35 on its Indiegogo page and be sent one of the first Wise Buttons.
[Image via rnrassociates]