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During the #nomakeupselfie campaign that was set up in order to raise money for Cancer Research UK, women have been inadvertently adopting polar bears.... Women Accidentally Adopt Polar Bears In #nomakeupselfie Campaign

During the #nomakeupselfie campaign that was set up in order to raise money for Cancer Research UK, women have been inadvertently adopting polar bears. The mistake occured when some generous donators’ smartphones auto-corrected the word ‘BEAT’ to ‘BEAR’, resulting in the message being sent to the World Wildlife Fund for adoption purposes.

Samantha Jade

Australian Singer Samantha Jade without make up

As well as an auto-correct error, some people have been texting the wrong word completely. £18, 625 has accidently been donated to Unicef due to people texting the word ‘DONATE’ to the number 70099.

On a positive note, more than £8 million was raised for the cancer charity following donations and makeup-free posts from tens of thousands of women. Unicef and Cancer Research UK are working together to ensure that the money donated by mistake, makes its way to the right charity.

‘Unicef is not responsible for this error, however we’ve been working hard to find a resolution to the situation for those affected,” said a Unicef representative.

Although the #nomakeupselfie craze was not orchestrated by Cancer Research UK, the charity is grateful for all the donations received as a result of the campaign. “We’re really grateful to everyone who donated to Cancer Research UK through the #nomakeupselfie campaign,” said Carolan Davidge, Cancer Research UK’s director of communications. The money raised will now go towards funding ten clinical trials that could previously not be done due to lack of funds.

As for the polar bears, WWF has confirmed that no money was taken from people accidentally texting them. A spokesperson said: “We wish Cancer Research UK every success in their campaign and their goals. Polar bear selfies are harder to come by, though, as far as we are aware, none wear make-up.”

If you would like to donate to Cancer Research UK, then you can text ‘BEAT’ to 70099 or visit the website at