If you are bored with your regular websites and are looking for something a little more fun (or just mindless), then prepare to bookmark...

If you are bored with your regular websites and are looking for something a little more fun (or just mindless), then prepare to bookmark these fun, if not a little bizarre, websites:
*Late addition – sorry guys, here are the links to the featured sites:
- https://geoguessr.com/
- http://www.donothingfor2minutes.com/
- http://drinkify.org/
- http://chickenonaraft.com/
- http://www.ronwinter.tv/interactive.html
- http://you.regettingold.com/
- http://runpee.com/
- http://www.caffeineinformer.com/death-by-caffeine
- http://en.akinator.com/
- http://www.howmanypeopleareinspacerightnow.com/
- http://doesthedogdie.com/
- http://10minutemail.com/10MinuteMail/index.html
- http://www.snesfun.com/
- http://findtheinvisiblecow.com/
- http://img0.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/5/3970/3970473_sprite198.swf