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It seems as though the 3D printing industry is changing every minute. There are new printers, new source materials and new and improved techniques etc.... CLIP Layerless 3D Printing Unveiled

It seems as though the 3D printing industry is changing every minute. There are new printers, new source materials and new and improved techniques etc. There is one firm, however, that plans to revolutionise the industry with new technologies that have the potential to be a real game changer.

The new process for printing was unveiled by Carbon3D. CLIP technology could have the potential to be up to 100 times faster than previous 3D printing technologies, according to a study published in the journal Science. The CLIP process or Continuous Liquid Interface Production Technology has been compared to the method that is used to make cyborgs in the sci-fi film Terminator 2. The system works by placing a pool of liquid resin over a digital light projection system that harnesses light and oxygen to grow the resin into a solid object instead of the standard layer-by-layer printing process.

Chief executive and co-founder of Carbon3D, Dr Joseph DeSimone said, “Current 3D printing technology has failed to deliver on its promise to revolutionise manufacturing.” He continued, “Our CLIP technology offers the game-changing speed, consistent mechanical properties and choice of materials required for complex commercial quality parts.”

According to Dr DeSimone, other 3D printing methods are, in reality, 2D printing that is being done over and over again.

As the process is in its infancy, the system is not yet up to scratch at making full on commercial products. It is still very good at making prototypes though. Dr DeSimone, professor of chemistry at the University of North Carolina and North Carolina State, does believe the technique’s skill at making small, smooth objects will help make breakthroughs in the the nano field that we use in our technology every day. Products such as tiny sensors we rely on for smartphones and fitness bands. The system could also be used for creating micro-needles and other systems for administering medications.

One thing is for sure, we will be keeping a close eye on this new technique and the possibilities that could come to life by means of it.

[Image via 3dprintingindustry]

SOURCE: Appy Geek