The Samsung Galaxy S III has been on the open market for just six months, however with 50 million+ units sold and a loyal fan base already awaiting the next Samsung devices rumors for the Samsung Galaxy S IV are already starting to surface.
While rumored features are likely to be hinted at and changed repeatedly in the coming months many analysts seem to be in agreement about at least several likely features to be found on the Samsung Galaxy S IV.

The Samsung Galaxy S IV?
Screen Size
There is a good chance (based on various analysts reports) that Samsung will push the boundaries of standard handset size by releasing the device with a 5-inch display. The original Samsung S series device started with a 4.0 inch screen, a size that increased to 4.3-inches for model 2 and 4.8-inches for the Samsung Galaxy S III. With the iPhone 5 receiving a slightly larger display a 5-inch screen would still be two inches smaller than the Google Nexus 7 tablet but not so big as to make holding it annoying. Samsung have proven with the Galaxy Note that users don’t mind a bigger screen if it brings with it better functionality.
Faster Processor – Likely Six Cores
When the Samsung Galaxy S III debuted it brought with it a a Quad-core 1.4GHz cortex processor, marking the third time in the row that more processors were added and speeds were increased. The original Galaxy S started with a single core 1 GHz cortex processor. If Samsung continues to adhere to its improvements schedule a six core processor with a 1.6GHz cortex setup would be the logical next progression.
Bigger Battery
With a faster processor and a bigger display, along with NFC, Bluetooth, WiFi, mobile data and other hardware support its likely a bigger battery will be used in order to keep the users device going all day. The Galaxy S III uses a 2100 mAh Li-on so its likely a 2200-2400 mAh Lithium ion will be used or the Samsung Galaxy S IIII. The battery size and type could change of course if new battery technology is announced.
Google Android 5.X
Given the standard 12-18 month release schedule for Samsung Galaxy S series devices it is very likely the company will release the Galaxy S IV with Google Android 5.X. That OS will likely bring improved mapping experiences, better built-in NFC support, a killer YouTube setup to combat Apple removing Google products from its iOS platform and much more. With more power behind the devices operation we should see a faster, smarter, better all-around smartphone.
What features would you like to see added when the Samsung Galaxy IV finally makes its way to market?
[Image via factitup]