Windows 7 users can breathe a sigh of relief as Microsoft has confirmed DirectX 11.1 is not exclusive to Windows 8. Over the past few months, Microsoft has been focused exclusively on Windows 8 and its launch. In the midst of the hype and hoopla surrounding the new version of their operating system, someone from Microsoft claimed that the new version of DirectX is only for Windows 8. What that meant was that Windows 7 users would have to upgrade to use the new graphics driver.
However, Microsoft has clarified the situation and announced that Windows 7 users would be able to use DirectX 11.1 in the near future. They further claimed that it was a mistake on part of one of their employees which led to the news regarding DirectX 11.1 being exclusive to Windows 8. They clearly stated that this is not the case and an update to Windows 7 would enable users to install it. No longer do users have to transit from Windows 7 to 8 to enjoy better graphics.
A majority of the users of DirectX software are gamers. Each new version of DirectX improves the graphics quality which they can enjoy. Generally, gamers are inclined to upgrade their graphics as often as possible. The original news that DirectX 11.1 won’t work on Windows 7 would have caused some resentment for gamers who are using that version of the Microsoft OS. After all, it is quite possible that some of the new video games are meant to be played on the new version of DirectX.
In that case, they would have to upgrade their OS and move to Windows 8. That issue has now been resolved and they can continue enjoying their gaming experience while retaining the old operating system. There is talk in some quarters that it is the fear of losing the gaming audience which led to them announcing an update to Windows 7 which would allow them to use DirectX 11.1. Whether this is true or not is anyone’s guess.
Also, there was the concern that developers might not use DirectX 11.1 if it was exclusive to Windows 8. The developers work on projects for which they are sure they would have an audience. If the number of people using DirectX 11.1 was limited, it would have been too much to expect developers to work with it. Hence, Microsoft has made the sensible decision by increasing the user base which can enjoy the superior graphic quality of DirectX 11.1.
However, the entire package of the new DirectX program will not be available to the Windows 7 users. They will have sufficient components to be able to run the program on their computers. An update has been created for both the Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) as well as Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1. Microsoft is set to gain a number of fans after the decision to allow Windows 7 users to use DirectX 11.1 without upgrading to Windows 8.
[Image via diit]