Slush is the largest conference in Northern Europe and Russia where startups and tech experts join with designers to create innovative new ideas that will impress the world. This conference was started in 2008 by a group of Finnish entrepreneurs. Now, it attracts an international audience to the area. This year it is scheduled to be held on November 21 and 22.
The Purpose of Slush
The goal of the conference is to bring investors and other business people together with start-up companies where they can make connections and give them an advantage in today’s market.
This Year’s Event
At this event, there will be three stages and three startup tracks with 500 of the most promising companies throughout Northern Europe, Russia, and the world. These companies are just starting out and can use the information and help that the conference provides. Some of the speakers at this year’s event include:
• Marko Ahtisaari, executive VP of Design for Nokia
• Marc Dillon, co-founder and CEO of Jolla
• John Lindfors, partner of Digital Sky Technologies
• Kim-Mai Cutler, writer at TechCrunch
• Eric Wahlforss, co-founder and CTO, SoundCloud
• And many, many more
With over 100 investors, 70 journalists, and around 2000 registered to attend, this event is one of the biggest of its kind and a golden opportunity for anyone starting a business or thinking about it. For those who can’t attend the event, they can catch it streaming live at slush.fi. It will also be broadcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
The Aaltoes and Startup Sauna Teams will be seen for the first time at the Slush conference.
With over 80 speakers set for the two-day event, attendees are guaranteed to take away valuable information. The networking opportunities are also invaluable as investors get paired with promising start-ups and journalists bring attention to the best new ideas. There is also a prize for the best new app for the WindowsPhone of $20,000.
This is a can’t-miss event for any new start-up or tech designer in Northern Europe and people all over the world will be glad they attended one of the best tech events held this year.
[Images via mynfcteam & pioneersfestival]