Couponing has always been a popular activity, and when the economy takes a downturn, it becomes even more so. With the advent of online couponing, more people have discovered this brilliant way to save money, even leading the way to what has been called “extreme couponing”. And just when we thought that nothing new could come up in this arena, a young startup called Pretty Penny is making a splash.
The main difference that Pretty Penny has to offer is their target market. They are all about online couponing, but their goal is to offer their services to the young, female audience.
One might say that the online couponing scene is pretty much saturated, but one look at Pretty Penny might be enough to at least give it a chance. For one, the moment you visit the site, you don’t really get that couponing feel – except for the copy that does not let you forget about how you can save money using coupons without having to actively search for them.
How does it work?
What makes Pretty Penny attractive is that you simply have to install it once, and you don’t have to do all that messy work looking for coupons and deals. All you need to do is browse your favorite online shops as you normally do. Pretty Penny does the work in the background, bringing to your attention coupons or sales that are available on that site. For busy shoppers – young or old alike – this convenience is most welcome!
The drawback – for now
The big drawback right now is the fact that the browser extension that opens up this convenient shopping experience is the fact that the extension is only available for Google Chrome. You can visit the web site and learn more about Pretty Penny using other browsers, but you can only really benefit from it using Chrome.
All the more reason to use this browser, yes?
[Image via Pretty Penny]