Best Sites & Apps to Help You Lose Weight
Best SoftwareMobile January 2, 2013 Annie

After enjoying a variety of tasty and fattening foods for the last month, it’s time to turn your focus on New Year’s resolutions to lose weight. Thanks to many developments in technology, there are several gadgets that are worth considering to help you in your journey.
Daily Burn
Daily Burn is a social network geared towards fitness. You can set your own goals and work out with real trainers. You can also make custom meal plans and stay accountable through various ways on the site.
This website allows you to work out with a real trainer from home in several disciplines. You can customize the sessions to fit in your schedule and choose from just 25 minutes up to 55 minute sessions. You can learn yoga, martial arts, and strength training from a professional. It has a wide range for cost, depending on the length of the session and the level of the trainer.
If you need more help than a simple app or even what a single trainer can provide, this is the program for you. It helps you lose 10-15 percent of your body weight and provides you with three personal assistants. You get a behavior coach, a dietitian, and an exercise physiologist. Along with the personal help, you get a Fitbit and scale so you can keep track of your progress.
Are you more motivated when money is involved? If that is the case, you will love this app. You make a commitment to a certain number of times you will go to the gym and you are held accountable by paying if you miss a workout. It docks your credit card with an amount you preselected and everyone who went according to their schedule gets to enjoy part of the pay out.
This item is a little gadget you place on your wrist to let you know how much activity you have had. You can also compare with your friends on Facebook. If competition is your thing, this should help you work a little harder.
This app is a great weight loss coach because it gives you exercise tasks that you must complete daily and food goals. You can track your workouts and meals and measure your weight loss.
If you need some help with motivation or recording your daily goals, you can find numerous gadgets and apps to help you be successful.
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