Share Media Across Android & iOS Devices With RemotePlay
MobileSoftware Reviews April 20, 2013 Noemi

Sharing media between devices is something that has become easier as mobile technology developed. Sharing between the same brands and platforms is one thing, but sharing between different platforms is a totally different story, isn’t it? Even the simple act of connecting via Bluetooth between an Android device and an Apple device can end up in frustration. Been there, done that. I didn’t even get a t-shirt for it.
Thank God for people behind startups who address real-world (albeit probably still considered as “first world”) issues like Piddas21, a Taiwanese group led by Dr. Joe Lin. The startup is made up of “engineers and visionaries who work on and think about the future of social interaction in this device-centric digital age.”
The result of their forward-thinking mindset? An iOS app that allows the sharing of media between Android and iOS devices without making the concerned parties want to tear their hair out.
Called RemotePlay (not to be confused with other features/services using the the same name), the app was originally developed for Android. It basically allows people to interact with each other via their devices, specifically by allowing simultaneous access to media. RemotePlay also gives the possibility of sending documents, photos, and other files.
Rumor was that RemotePlay for iOS would be launched sometime in mid-April, but I have not found any trace of it as of now. Still, the idea of being able to import media from iTunes and gain access to content stored by other apps (Google Drive and Dropbox, for example) and sharing with ease between the two brilliantly compatible platforms (no need for a sarcasm sign here, I hope) is something that is definitely welcome. Heck, it might even serve as a bridge between Android users and Apple users who tend to go overboard with their proclamations of support for their brand and bashing criticisms of the other brand.
Learn more about RemotePlay here or watch the intro video below:
[Image via Lifehacker]