It has finally arrived; Apple has released its iOS 7.1 software update for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. It sees changes to the user interface, faster animations and transitions and the desperately needed bug fixes.
In the Calender app there is now a dedicated list and tray view button, while the system in general sees phone animation and shape changes.
The camera has been given a new auto HDR mode and an indicator for when HDR is activated. There is also an additional indicator that alerts you to the auto flash being turned on.
Siri now has a “push-to-talk” option, resulting in improved speech recognition, which will no doubt be helpful for the much awaited CarPlay feature. The release notes give a little detail about CarPlay, explaining that it functions when an iPhone is connected to a vehicle that is Car-Play enabled. This supports the phone, music, maps, messages and 3rd-party audio apps and is not surprisingly controlled by Siri.
Other changes include a toned down green colour for Messages, Phone apps and the call banner, while harsh white elements have been softened with the addition of stark, button borders and a toggle.
You can update to iOS 7.1 now via Software Update in the settings app or through iTunes on a Mac or PC.
[Images via Apple]