When the new Xbox One console was launched last autumn, employees who worked ion the project were given a brand new and shiny white Xbox One. It hasn’t taken that long for one or two of those to arrive on the popular online auction site eBay. The pull for the gamer that doesn’t want the standard black version could prove to be just too much.
Only ten or so versions of the employee-exclusive Xbox One are available on the site, so if you fall into the category of gamer I just mentioned, you may want to act rather rapid. It looks as though a few Microsoft employees are trying to make some cash, as there are nine different sellers offering the rare and pristine white machine, with the title, “I Made This”. I do warn you though; it isn’t going to be a cheap buy as the consoles are going for upwards of $3,500.
Other than a really, really smart design, the white Xbox One is nothing more than a different colour. When asked last year if we would see a white variant of the Xbox One for the public, Microsoft’s Larry “Major Nelson” Hyrb answered on Reddit ,”maybe waaaay in the future”.
There has been an unconfirmed report on the Neogaf forums in January2014 which said the white version, will launch to the public in October 2014 alongside the Sunset Overdrive game. The idea isn’t so far fetched, so it may happen, who knows? This version of the white console was handed out to employees at Microsoft ahead of the Xbox One launch in a gesture that was to award them for their hard work. The special edition console is not sold in-stores.
Would you bid up on one of these? As always, if you would like to leave a sensible comment, then please do so in the comments section below.
[Image via techspot]