Oculus Rift is a really clever piece of kit, isn’t it? It can take you to places that just wouldn’t be possible otherwise. Recently though, a developer has begun taking gamers beyond the final frontier. So don your uniform, phaser and communicator and get ready to board the USS Voyager.
The latest virtual reality demo running on Oculus Rift, allows you to walk around a reasonably accurate recreation of the star-ship’s bridge and it even allows you to look into space as you hurtle past remote stars at warp speed. In the demo you, unfortunately, explore the deck solo and no USS Voyager crew members are around for you to look at (you can hear them though).
It is believed that this is the primary Oculus Rift demo to come from an independent developer, which was created using the freshly released Unreal Engine 4. This new game engine includes support for the Rift, it allows developers to create complex and graphically impressive virtual-reality scenery relatively easily.
The demo’s developer, Thomas Kadlec said, “I almost have the sensation of being a ‘movie director’ when working with Unreal Engine 4,” he says. “I can come up with an idea and in a matter of minutes you can come up with an implementation that looks really amazing.” Kadlec chose Start Trek because; “I’m a huge Oculus Rift fan, Star Trek fan, and Unreal Engine 4 fan…So I just figured I’d mix those all together!”
Developers will use virtual reality to send people into imaginary environments as they create more and more worlds to explore for the Oculus Rift platform
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[Image via: gedblog]
SOURCE: http://www.theverge.com/2014/4/21/5635688/star-trek-voyager-bridge-oculus-rift-demo