Opera Software is the maker of the Opera browser for desktop PCs and mobile devices alike. But to help those of us who have slightly less up-to-date devices, Opera have just launched the Opera Mini 8 browser for basic mobile phones.
Currently, the number of smartphones being used is increasing, but there are still people who use basic phones. These devices are usually based on the Java platform. The Opera Mini browser is one of the only web browsers that provide a smooth and fast browsing experience on these types of phones.
In India, for example, Opera Mini is one of the most used mobile web browsers and is available in 13 different Indian languages. Opera Mini compresses web pages down to approximately 10 percent of their original size. By doing this, it means less data is consumed and subsequently it costs less to access the web from mobile phones. Another advantage of this type of compression is that web pages open in a rapid time frame.
Opera Features Include:
Speed Dial: Users can save unlimited websites to their Speed Dial and easily access websites from Opera Mini.
Private browsing: Opera Mini 8 supports private tabs. This feature allows users to browse the web without storing form details and browsing history.
Download manager: Users can manage downloads, pause and resume between browsing sessions with Opera Mini’s download manager.
Smart Page: Opera Mini is the only browser that integrates Facebook and Twitter updates inside the browser onto its Smart Page, which displays instant updates from the users’ social networks.
Sunil Kamath, Vice President for South Asia, Opera Software says, “In India, a large number of the population do not have access to desktop PCs and high-speed broadband. In such situations, a mobile phone doubles up as the only device to get online…Being able to access the web in today’s world has immense benefits, and a good browsing experience should not be only limited for smartphone users. That is why we have launched this latest version of Opera Mini, which allows users of basic phones to get online and enjoy the web, seamlessly.”
Opera Mini currently works on more than 3,000 types of basic handsets and smartphones. These include Android, BlackBerry, iOS, Java and Symbian phones. Users can download the latest version of Opera Mini free, by visiting m.opera.com from their handset.
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[Image via topnews]