I’ll be the first to admit that I use Siri quite a bit. I use her to schedule meetings and appointments, I use her to remind me to do errands and things around the house, and I use her to text people when I am driving. She rarely fails me – but she did fail me last week. As I was listening to the radio a song came on that I liked and I wondered what it was called and who was singing it. So, I called up Siri, and asked, “What song is playing?” And her reply was not at all what I was looking for. In a kind of annoyed tone, she replied, “You don’t have any songs playing, Brandon.” Well, thanks for nothing, Siri.
I recently switched back to an iPhone after using a Galaxy S3. The Galaxy phone, using Google Now, could effortlessly identify songs in a heartbeat – the iPhone – not so much. To be fair, there are apps which can be downloaded to identify songs, but iOS doesn’t have a native feature to tell you what’s playing on the radio. That’s all looking to change in the coming months when iOS 8 is revealed.
Rumor has it that Apple is going to be working with Shazam to bring its music identification service to iOS for the first time. It will be able to listen to a brief soundbite and tell you the artist, title, album, and will most likely include a link to buy the song from the iTunes store.
To be honest, it’s about time Apple got into the same as far as song ID is concerned. And, hopefully, in the future, Siri will let all of us down even less.
iOS 8 is expected to be revealed in June.
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[Image via pxm-tuts]
SOURCE: https://www.yahoo.com/tech/siris-next-big-trick-naming-that-tune-82999960363.html