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We’ve had e-books, e-zines, e-cigarrettes and if you eat in the wrong restaurant, E.coli.  The next big thing in the e-publishing revolution is motion... How To Create Your Own Motion Comic

We’ve had e-books, e-zines, e-cigarrettes and if you eat in the wrong restaurant, E.coli.  The next big thing in the e-publishing revolution is motion comics, with a number of companies jostling for market supremacy and experimenting with the form. The leader at the moment seems to be Madefire, who have struck a deal with Deviantart that gives them an early foothold with an established online community.


Aiming to give the reader an immersive experience with features that take advantage of tablet and smart phone technology using parallax scrolling, sound effects and touch screen interaction to involve the reader in the process so much more than the traditional looking and turning the page level of interaction that old people had to put up with.

The Madefire reader application is available in the Apple App Store and on Google Play for smart-phones and tablets, or as a Flash based PC reader, so it covers all potential audiences there. To author the motion comics the Create Motion Book tool is browser based, so even a low end PC will cope with it, and the association with Deviantart means there’s an established community ready and waiting to dip their toes in the new medium.

Creating and publishing your own motion comic is simpler than you might think. If you already have a Deviantart account, you can log onto the Motion Book Creation tool instantly at with your existing account name and password.

Anyone with a comic already created can convert to a Madefire file in minutes, but the real fun starts when you take advantage of the added time element peculiar to motion comics, adding animations, layers and tap-points that require the reader to touch the screen to progress the story.

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