FileHippo News

The latest software and tech news

How to Clean Up Your Computer or Laptop after the Holidays

Your laptop most probably carries more than just travel photos and memories from your holidays. Using it to stay in touch, watch movies, or navigate your way around an unknown location during your vacation adventures, it’s no surprise that digital clutter builds up. From downloading huge files and accessing unfamiliar…

Holiday Video Disasters: Common Issues and How to Solve Them

The arrival of summer is often accompanied by cameras ready to capture every special moment of our vacations. However, too often we discover upon returning home that those memories have various types of errors. From videos that won’t play to corrupt files that prevent us from reliving our experiences, it’s…

Krita: Free, powerful painting tool
As a piece of software, Krita has had an interesting history. With origins in various projects reaching back to 1998, Krita eventually became a free image-manipulation tool like Photoshop, or GIMP from about 2004 to 2009. After that time, the open-source program recruited students to work on its improvement,... Read more
Need Quality Photo Editing? Download Corel Paintshop Pro X7
Corel’s Paintshop Pro X7 is a comprehensive photo-editing application that allows you to create your best photos ever. Paintshop Pro X7 has smarter editing features, 30% faster brushes, new creative tools and easier color selection. Paintshop Pro X7 is a complete photo-editing application, which helps you turn your snapshots... Read more
How to Find the World’s Best Coloring Book
If you have children of a certain age, or if you just happen to enjoy the therapeutic action of colouring in a nice picture, then you’ve probably at some time bought a colouring book. The problem of course with colouring books is that they often contain simple line art... Read more
How to Colour Comics in Photoshop
Since the world of printing went digital, line art colouring is now nearly always done digitally. Continuing in our Photoshop how to series, here are a few simple Photoshop tips to make the most out of your comic colouring. Layers, you need to use multiple layers. This may seem... Read more
How to Letter Comics in Photoshop
In the olden days, way back in 40BP (Before Photoshop) everything in comic books was hand drawn and coloured. The penciller would pencil it, the inker would ink it, the colourist would colour it and the letterer would, you guessed it, letter it. Hard to believe perhaps that a... Read more
How To Create Your Own Motion Comic
We’ve had e-books, e-zines, e-cigarrettes and if you eat in the wrong restaurant, E.coli.  The next big thing in the e-publishing revolution is motion comics, with a number of companies jostling for market supremacy and experimenting with the form. The leader at the moment seems to be Madefire, who... Read more
How to Install Brushes in Adobe Photoshop CS3
Adobe Photoshop CS3 is a great application for image manipulation.  There are so many different ways that you can edit your images and enhance your work.  In this article we will very briefly discuss the brush tool.  The brush tool is a basic painting tool. It works like a traditional... Read more
DrawQuest App Can Turn You Into an Artist
Do you consider yourself to be artistic?  This is the general question behind a new app called DrawQuest.  While most children feel free to express themselves artistically, adults often struggle with the notion of their own creativity.  Many adults simply feel that they are not artistic.    DrawQuest is an... Read more