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When was the last time you were out with friends and family and managed not to look at your phone even once? Most of... Street Photographer Proves Smartphones are Conversation Killers

When was the last time you were out with friends and family and managed not to look at your phone even once? Most of us will probably not be able to remember. It does raise the issue of whether technology is making us all anti-social, a point that street photographer ‘Babycakes Romero‘ is keen to highlight. Whilst photographing the world around him, Babycakes Romero has been able to capture how people are no longer interacting with one another because they are too busy on their smartphones. He explains that he photographs people who are obsessed with their smartphones, announcing that it’s the ‘Death of Conversation’.

The photographs are beautiful, with the black and white filter adding to the mood and the overall sadness that people don’t seem to talk anymore. Of course, it doesn’t mean we are all on our smartphones 24/7 but it does show how things have changed. Before the invention of phones there was nothing else to do but talk face-to-face, so by taking these photographs Babycakes Romero is hoping it will motivate us put our smartphones away, even just for a short while and have a good chat – the old fashioned way! What do you think?


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[Images via Babycakes Romero]