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With so many beautiful games on the Xbox One, it’s only natural to want to take a screenshot to remember some of your favorite... New Xbox One Update Will Let You Take Screenshots

With so many beautiful games on the Xbox One, it’s only natural to want to take a screenshot to remember some of your favorite gaming moments. Unfortunately, that hasn’t been the easiest thing to do on Microsoft’s newest console; thankfully, that’ll be changing come the month of March, but at first only for those who are part of the Xbox Preview Program.

With the March update, Microsoft is finally adding the option to take a screenshot of whatever’s happening on your television screen. It sounds as if it’ll be pretty easy to do too – you can either say “Xbox take a screenshot!”, or you can do it in the seemingly more old fashioned way of pushing the Xbox button twice and using Y to save it. If you like your screenshot enough, it’ll even let you make it your profile picture.

New Xbox One Update Will Let You Take Screenshots

Apparently, Microsoft was constantly getting asked to add this feature which is why it is now showing up. Better late than never, I guess! It remains to be seen how long it’ll take to move on from those in the Preview Program to other gamers.

What do you think? Will this update affect you at all?

[Image via VideoGamer]