Awesome Baby Gadgets For New Parents In Your Life
Mobile March 19, 2015 Arianna Gael

Here’s a bit of trivia: did you know that September has the highest numbers of babies born, followed by August, July, then June? Guess what that means? Statistically, you’re going to be invited to some baby showers in the near future.
As any veteran parents can tell you (and grandparents too), there’s a lot of crap on the market for parents. There’s a simple reason for this: new parents will buy anything. Slap a smiling kid on the label, produce it in a pastel color, and it’s marketing gold.
So we’ve narrowed down the latest in tech that is designed to make things easier for the new parents in your life while simultaneously elevating you to the status of best aunt or uncle ever. Some of these are so awesome everyone could use one, and others are so expensive that you need to decide whether or not you should just put money in the kid’s college account. Either way, these things are pretty cool.
MamoRoo Baby Swing/Rocker
I hesitated on including this one because it costs more than my sofa. But with all of the options for different rocking or swinging patterns and the ability to soothe a screaming or colicky baby from your smartphone, the MamaRoo may just be one of those devices that parents of the near future claim is the best invention ever.