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Isn’t it weird how times have changed? Time used to stop when Apple launched a new device, even if it was just a shinier,... Why The Apple Watch Is A “Shut Up And Take My Money” Device

Isn’t it weird how times have changed? Time used to stop when Apple launched a new device, even if it was just a shinier, flashier update to an existing model. But now, with the announcement of the specs for the soon-to-be-released Apple Watch, the industry is kind of like, “What took you guys so long?”

So here’s a short list of reasons why the Apple Watch is anything but ordinary, and certainly deserves our attention, our hard-earned cash, and maybe even our kidneys.

You're Not Going to Feel Like a Dweeb for Wearing It

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Face it, other models on the market run the gamut from barely even being smart enough to be listed in this category to looking like something National Geographic would use to track bears. This one goes with everything.

Image via Wired