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There’s no more glamorous venue than a fashion show that puts the world’s top designers on display. Celebrities come to be seen, corporate buyers... These Pics Prove That High Fashion And Gravity Don’t Mix

There’s no more glamorous venue than a fashion show that puts the world’s top designers on display. Celebrities come to be seen, corporate buyers come to scrutinize, and the most well-known names in the world of fashion mix and mingle while showing off their artistic genius.

Unfortunately, that genius spends a lot more time sprawled on the floor than most of us care to think about. These hilarious photos of models losing their cool–and their bearings–on the runway prove that the one thing designers really should focus on is gravity! (Sadly, as these images prove, even falling down these models are still gorgeous!)

Who would have thought those stairs could be a problem?

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Seriously? Who puts the fashion show at the bottom of a glass staircase? It's like they actively hate their models.