TeamViewer Gets An Update
BusinessNews July 31, 2015 Arianna Gael

There are a lot of reasons why you might want to take a peek inside another computer, and for most of us, those reasons are both just and legal. I happen to have to clean out my mom’s computer all the time because I can’t get her to quit clicking on those flashing boxes that pop up and say, “Your computer’s been infected! Click here to download a virus remover!” Unfortunately for Mom, I live five hours away; she usually just unplugs the thing until my next visit. So the last time I was home, I installed TeamViewer for just this very purpose.
TeamViewer is one of the leading remote access solutions for single users or entire teams of connected people. Whether it’s accessing your desktop computer while you’re away on vacation, conducting an office meeting with telecommuting staff members, or cleaning out your mom’s computer, it’s one of the best programs for this type of functionality.
Even better, TeamViewer adheres to a “play fair” policy of making the software free for individuals to use for personal use and taking them at their word that they’re not using it for work, something they certainly didn’t have to do. That means it’s free for me to help out an aged tech user, but will cost a significant amount for a place of business to take advantage of all the features that it has to offer. In the premium levels, team members can even participate via mobile device, there are file backup options, IT support for your company’s tech, and more.
Whether it’s used for group meetings, file syncing and sharing, or just retrieving that file you forgot to bring on your vacation, it’s a great tool for keeping tabs and keeping up-to-date. To check out TeamViewer and its update for yourself or to see all the titles that released new versions today, go to FileHippo by clicking HERE.