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While the original predictions of a Windows 10 fiasco might not have turned out to be as horrifically accurate as experts thought they’d be,... Windows 10 Bugs Leave Users Unhappy

While the original predictions of a Windows 10 fiasco might not have turned out to be as horrifically accurate as experts thought they’d be, there are still more than a few bugs and a lot of disgruntled tech users. Gordon Kelly, for Forbes, is one such user who highlighted the shift that Microsoft is making.

Windows 10


“Having openly stated that ‘Windows as a service’ is the platform’s future, Microsoft is effectively taking a hit by giving Windows 10 away free on the gamble that it opens up the possibility of charging for add-ons… more importantly than the software in question this time is how it sets the precedent for Microsoft to scale up to bigger features in future. Those features can be automatically pushed to users in trial form through Windows 10’s mandatory upgrades with fees to then keep them running.”

While Kelly raised the very valid point that features that used to be free and standard with Windows systems–namely, the solitaire game and a basic DVD player–are no longer free. Yes, users can access a freemium version of solitaire from Windows’ storefront, if they want to watch video ads while they play. Kelly’s concern, though, is the precedent that this sets in terms of requiring users to take a free taste of software then charging for it down the road.

More disturbing, though, are the bugs that users have pointed out. Even the much-longed for return of the Start menu, notably absent from Windows 8, doesn’t quite meet the standard that previous versions had. Some users, like Brooke Crothers for Fox, also noted that the famous Edge browser is fast… when it doesn’t crash, that is. Microsoft has allowed users to switch back to Explorer by clicking a button, at least until the bugs are worked out.

All in all, the general consensus from knowledgeable users is that there are purposes for Windows 10 that make it well-suited to the job, but that the average, everyday Windows user will be more than a little dissatisfied with the experience. New bug fixes are rolling out every day, so ideally it won’t be long before Windows 10 runs as the developers planned for it to.