New tool helps authors convert Word docs for Kindle publishing platform.
Over the years, Amazon has grown from an online book retailer to an all-things-internet empire, offering tools for everything from uploading an ebook to creating a video game. A new tool launched in beta goes back to its book roots, helping authors with point-and-click conversion of a Word document to the necessary formatting for uploading to its Kindle Direct Publishing platform.
Kindle Create lets authors seamlessly erase many of the typical formatting problems that can make an ebook hard to read on the variety of devices that can consume content through either a dedicated e-reader or the Kindle reading app. Until now, savvier authors have had multiple steps to create a visually appealing product (because actually writing an appealing book wasn’t hard enough), but those with less technical know-how pretty much had to make do and hope for the best.
Easier file conversion
According to the software description, “If you’ve prepared a book in Microsoft Word, Kindle Create (Beta) helps you convert it so it’s ready to publish to Kindle devices and apps. Kindle Create (Beta) makes it easier to go through the file conversion process, preventing the kinds of errors that can slow down publishing.”
The free download for PC or Mac lets authors:
- Preview and edit the book in the same way as it will appear in Kindle format before pressing publish
- Create and adjust the table of contents while still in the styling phase
- Incorporate professionally-designed themes that make the ebook more eye-catching and easier to read
Some early testers have been surprised by the fact that this is a format-for-conversion tool rather than an Amazon-branded MOBI generator. There are software titles that will produce a MOBI file from your Word doc, but the results can be troublesome if you don’t know what you’re doing. In order for most users to produce their MOBI after using Kindle Create, they’ll still rely on the KDP upload process to convert it for them and make it ready for sale.
Reduced costs
The most beneficial thing that Kindle Create stands to do at this time is free up some of the upfront cost that authors have had to pay to a formatter, leaving them free to put that money towards top-notch editing and superior cover design. While Kindle Create certainly isn’t billing itself as a polished product to meet all your ebook conversion needs, it does give moderately capable authors another option to try before shelling out money for formatting. To try Kindle Create for PC or Mac, download it for free by clicking here.