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Warning: Game of Thrones spoilers are coming
 We’re curious here at FileHippo HQ, have any of our readers done the #AryaChallenge yet? We didn’t... The Game of Thrones #AryaChallenge brings out the best of social media

Warning: Game of Thrones spoilers are coming

We’re curious here at FileHippo HQ, have any of our readers done the #AryaChallenge yet?

We didn’t like to ask last week as we appreciated it would have given away not just a little spoiler, but THE spoiler.

Yes, it was Arya Stark who silenced the Night King once and for all (we think) at the end of last week’s Game of Thrones epic. We’ve since been able to enjoy another cracker of an episode, but don’t worry – we’ll keep quiet about that one for a little longer!

Anyway, we all know that the internet – and social media in particular – is a funny place. We’ve seen a wealth of creative viral trends over the years, from the Ice Bucket Challenge to NekNominating.

But now it’s the Stark girl’s slick stabbing move at the centre of the latest craze. It is dubbed the #AryaChallenge and there have been a range of genius attempts.

The #AryaChallenge has been keeping Game of Thrones fans amused all week!

The #AryaChallenge has been keeping Game of Thrones fans amused all week!

The #AryaChallenge – what is it and how do I join in?

So, do you remember how Arya Stark ended the Battle of Winterfell? While many have questioned the lighting, this was one of the standout events that could not be missed!

The small assassin launched herself at the Night King just as he was staring ominously at Bran, the three-eyed-raven. It looked like all was lost as the frosty king quickly turned and caught her by the throat, but it wasn’t.

Arya dropped her dagger into her waiting hand and stabbed the Night King in the chest, causing him to shatter along with his army of the dead. It was a euphoric moment for sure, as proved by celebratory videos all over Twitter.

Shortly after, Thrones fans across the world decided to recreate the move, though fortunately many opted to forgo a blade. Yep, we’ve seen people grab EVERYTHING from carrots and mugs to umbrellas and remote controls to channel their inner Arya. Take a look!

What do we say to stress?

How many takes did this one need?


Wait, there’s more…

Style it out…

Watching Game of Thrones again like…

Alas, it was going so well…

Remember – cyber crime is full of terrors

Despite Maisie Williams’ character taking care of the prospect of a long winter, there remains another big threat coming out of Westeros. No, we’re not talking about Cersei and her thirst for elephants – it’s much darker than that.

A Kaspersky Lab study has found that hackers are sneakily adding malware to illegal downloads of popular TV shows, including Thrones.

Researchers examined data streams from millions of worldwide volunteers. It was found that 126,340 had been hit by malware while downloading illegal copies in 2018.

About 17% of all infected pirated content was just from Game of Thrones downloads. This meant that just under 21,000 people were attacked.

To find out more about this cyber threat, click here. Stay tuned to the FileHippo News Blog for further coverage of the latest stories hitting the tech world.