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Think your easy to remember password’s secure enough? Think again! We live in an age where we need to be more careful than ever... How Secure Is Your Device? Five Most Common Password Fails Revealed

Think your easy to remember password’s secure enough? Think again!

We live in an age where we need to be more careful than ever of people with nefarious intentions accessing our accounts on the various platforms and websites we use. Applications such as free password software can keep you from having to remember different passwords – but how can you avoid falling into some common password clichĂ©s?

Whether you run a business, a family, or just want to make sure your own data remains secure, you need to create strong passwords during the sign-up process. Many sites today have strict password requirements, such as including upper and lowercase characters, numbers, punctuation/symbols, and minimum lengths, but you may be surprised to learn that, even when keeping to these requirements, many people still manage to come up with some very generic passwords.
Insecure passwords make it easier for hackers to access your data, so make sure you’re not falling for any of these common password fails.

How Secure Is Your Device? Five Common Password Fails

Weak passwords are always a bad idea.

1) Password

Frustratingly, the word “password” is one of the most common password choices still being used today. Slight variations such as P@ssword and P@55w0rd! are often used to meet individual site requirements, but these are not much more secure than using the actual word itself.
When criminals try and access your accounts, these will be among the first attempts they make.


Another popular option for unimaginative password creators is to simply mash the first six letters on the top left of your keyboard’s alphabetical keys. Incidentally, this is why keyboards with this traditional layout are referred to as QWERTY keyboards. However, while the word makes for a convenient name for a type of peripheral, it’s a terrible password.

3) 12345

This is an awful idea for all the same reasons as “QWERTY” and “password”. This practice is not just limited to “12345”, but any sequence of consecutive numbers, either ascending or descending. Alphabetically sequential letter combinations should also be avoided for the same reasons.

4) Simple Words

Don’t use single dictionary words in isolation. Especially if they can be directly tied to your business or personal life. For example, avoid words like “paintbrush” or “emulsion” for your painting and decorating business.

5) Names/Addresses/Dates of Birth

You should not use any personal details in your passwords. Because of the internet and especially social media, it is a matter of simplicity for anyone to discover basic personal information such as names, addresses, dates of birth etc. about anyone – especially if you run a business. mYou can of course use the names of celebrities or people you look up to, but try and stylise them a little, to make them harder to figure out. For example, instead of “CharlesDarwin1”, you should consider using something like “cHarl3sD@rwin1”.

Final Thoughts

Steer clear of the five examples we’ve mentioned above and you’ll stand a much better chance of keeping your online presence secure from those who would do you harm.

If you’re looking for some great free password software to keep your new secure passwords safe, check out our extensive range now.