Any rumors related to smartphones tend to get blown out of proportion. However, this one might actually have some substance. There is no doubt that the Windows Phone 8 failed to capture the people’s imagination and mobile devices running on it didn’t manage to sell strongly. That may change as Nokia is developing the Nokia EOS with a giant image sensor, enabling the phone to have a 41 megapixel camera the likes of which haven’t been seen till now.
Originally, Nokia wanted to use the technology it developed in the 808 PureView phone but the time it took to develop meant that this wasn’t possible. So now, Nokia is looking to use the same imaging technology but this time it will be part of the next Lumia phone. According to the reports doing the rounds, the new camera would be able to take pictures that have gazillion pixels.
The sensor would be smart enough to process the images and then refine them into 3MP, 5MP and 8MP qualities to make them usable across platforms. Software will be added to the smartphone to achieve this. This means that the Nokia Lumia model carrying this image sensor will be able to develop a picture quality to match that of SLR cameras, something no other phone can boast of.
One contention that people might have about the new Lumia phone is that the giant sensor would add to the thickness of the device. In this day and age, the battle is on to produce the slimmest smartphone possible, not the thickest. So, the phone may not actually revive the fortunes of Windows Phone 8 per se. But who knows? People want to enjoy the best possible pixel quality that a smartphone offers and this latest development shows it is going to be a Nokia Lumia phone in the not too distant future.
[Image via nokiarevolution]
SOURCE: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/05/21/nokia_eos_rumours/