FileHippo News

The latest software and tech news

Never Lose Again Your Digital Memories

Losing photos and precious videos is incomparably much more than just a technical inconvenience: it is an emotional loss of dear memories. Cherished captured moments from family gatherings, vacations, and personal milestones hold deep sentiment. It’s as if part of our past has been torn out when these things disappear….

How to Clean Up Your Computer or Laptop after the Holidays

Your laptop most probably carries more than just travel photos and memories from your holidays. Using it to stay in touch, watch movies, or navigate your way around an unknown location during your vacation adventures, it’s no surprise that digital clutter builds up. From downloading huge files and accessing unfamiliar…

Holiday Video Disasters: Common Issues and How to Solve Them

The arrival of summer is often accompanied by cameras ready to capture every special moment of our vacations. However, too often we discover upon returning home that those memories have various types of errors. From videos that won’t play to corrupt files that prevent us from reliving our experiences, it’s…

Tech Employees Unhappy At Govt Use Of Their Work
Employees of Amazon, Google and Microsoft raise complaints about Government use of their tech In 2015, Apple drew intense praise and criticism for its refusal to hack one of its own products following the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California. The company claimed to field nearly a dozen requests... Read more
The New iPhones Have A Problem, Apple Admits
A feature of the new range of iPhones sparks debate. Apple just released what is arguably one of its most impressive tech lineups since the very invention of the iPhone/iPad family, and according to numerous industry experts, the hype is completely justified. New enhancements to both the iPhones and... Read more
EU, Germany Propose New Tax On Tech Companies
But will it remain temporary? For decades, wealthy businesses and their owners have relied on offshore accounts and registering companies in places like the Cayman Islands in order to avoid paying their fair share of taxes, and the tech industry is no exception. With companies like Amazon, Facebook, Apple,... Read more
Does Your Business Need A VPN?
No matter how big or small your company may be, there’s one business tool you literally cannot afford to be without: a VPN. What is a VPN? In oversimplified terms, it’s your own personal tunnel onto the internet. That might sound like the stuff of hackers or international operatives,... Read more
You Can Now Whisper To Alexa…But Why?
Amazon’s Alexa can now listen and respond to whispers, but will she whisper back? Amazon has finally unveiled a feature that its Alexa/Echo virtual assistant has needed for a long, long time: the ability to respond to a whisper. Unfortunately, the programmers forgot to give Alexa a crucial feature... Read more
Launch Day Data Breach Of Trump Supporter Dating App
‘Donald Daters’ app experiences data breach on launch day, and that’s not the only issue. It’s tough to be a Donald Trump supporter in today’s political climate. Appointed officials are being chased out of restaurants by protestors, alt-right members are being punched, and now, fans of the president who... Read more
Tech Industry Fighting Back Against Climate Change
Google introduces carbon map tool to help fight climate change. There’s so much focus and media coverage of political reactions to a recent UN climate change report right now, enough that many people are far more interested in the antics of world leaders and crisis deniers than the actual... Read more
Duolingo Announces 50% Female Engineer Hires, Internet Enraged
A breakthrough for women in tech, but not everyone is happy. It seems that all around the world, highly-qualified, more-than-capable, and dare we say “incredible” men are being denied jobs in the tech industry just so a few social justice types can make themselves look good. Yes, in an... Read more
Google+ Going Away (For Real This Time) After Massive Leak
Did you know it was still going? As social media platforms go, there are a handful of major players standing out from among a countless slew of other websites and apps. Some are niche tools, like J-Date or, that cater to a specific target audience. Others, like LinkedIn,... Read more
How To Speed Up Your Mac For Gaming
Is your Mac slowing you down? Try these top tips for a boost. Macs and other Apple products come with a hefty price tag, but just ask any die-hard devotee—they’re worth it. Just because your old Mac device has a few miles under its belt, that doesn’t mean it... Read more
No October Windows 10 Update After Users’ Files Deleted
Microsoft paused rollout of Windows 10 October 2018 update due to reports of users missing data after updating. One of the best-loved–and somehow simultaneously most despised features of Windows 10–is Microsoft’s death-grip it holds over users’ computers. The ridiculous hoop-jumping required to turn off automatic updates means more than... Read more
Facebook Could Face Billions In Fines Over Data Breach
It’s more bad news for Facebook. Facebook had to announce last week that yet another cybersecurity and privacy fiasco has taken place with its users’ information. 50 million of those users were compromised, by their estimate, along with a potential 40 million more. By exploiting the tokens related to... Read more
Vishing Attacks Rise 350%
New report reveals alarming increase in voice fraud incidents. There seems to be no end to the number of ways scammers can target your data, and new methods crop up almost every day. From the highest skill sets involved in cybercrime and hacking to the most ordinary, mundane social... Read more
Facebook Breach Compromises 50 Million Accounts
Hackers exploit vulnerability in Facebook’s ‘View As’ feature to access 50 million user accounts. In the mad rush to be the king of data collection and use, Facebook has had quite a few privacy slip ups over the years. Perhaps that’s why the public response to today’s announcement of... Read more
Malicious Code Causes WordPress Sites To Redirect To Scams
Outdated plugins exposed WordPress sites to hackers. Earlier this month, security researchers uncovered an alarming find: thousands of WordPress sites had been attacked and had malicious code injected into their pages. By going after vulnerabilities in outdated plugins, hackers caused these pages to redirect to tech support scams. These... Read more
What Is A VPN? Here’s Everything You Need To Know
Are you still not using a VPN? Maybe you should be. This year has already taken a rapid nosedive past the midway point and is quickly coming to a close. So far this year, though, we’ve already experienced record-setting numbers of cybercrimes, security flaws, and data breaches resulting in... Read more
Twitter Blocks Conservative Actor James Woods
Meme shared by Woods sparks action from Twitter. Actor James Woods is no stranger to expressing his political viewpoints on social media, and even disparaging those who don’t agree with him or with whom he doesn’t agree. Now, however, Twitter is pushing back over some of Woods’ content, specifically... Read more
Alibaba CEO Steps Down Amid Plans For AI Chip
Alibaba, an internet commerce giant that vehemently states it is not the “Amazon of China,” is taking on a lot of projects these days. While claiming that Amazon is an “empire” that has to control everything it touches, Alibaba CEO Jack Ma seems to have overlooked the fact that... Read more