FileHippo News

The latest software and tech news

How to Clean Up Your Computer or Laptop after the Holidays

Your laptop most probably carries more than just travel photos and memories from your holidays. Using it to stay in touch, watch movies, or navigate your way around an unknown location during your vacation adventures, it’s no surprise that digital clutter builds up. From downloading huge files and accessing unfamiliar…

Holiday Video Disasters: Common Issues and How to Solve Them

The arrival of summer is often accompanied by cameras ready to capture every special moment of our vacations. However, too often we discover upon returning home that those memories have various types of errors. From videos that won’t play to corrupt files that prevent us from reliving our experiences, it’s…

August 24 Tech news roundup: Windows will remove Control Panel soon, Chrome gets a critical security update, Access Apple Podcasts on any browser

Windows 11 Control Panel will be removed soon Microsoft has confirmed it will remove Control Panel from Windows 11. This has been coming for a long time, since 2015 to be precise. A recent update to a document on Microsoft’s website reveals that the legacy app is being deprecated, in…

What To Expect From WWDC
June may mean weddings for many couples, but for Apple fanboys and fangirls enthusiasts and critics alike, this June marks the huge conference that sold out its tickets faster than the San Antonio Spurs swept the rug under the NBA championship dreams of the Memphis Grizzlies. The Apple Worldwide... Read more
Is Yahoo Looking To Make Waves In The Gaming Scene?
Yahoo is undeniably a member of the old guard of the Internet, but recent changes in the company has resulted in lots of noise both within and without. From acquiring mobile news aggregator Summly to extending its revenue per search agreement with Microsoft to acquiring Tumblr (which may or... Read more
Gorilla Glass 3: Corning’s Answer to Sapphire Screens
Just a little over two months ago, we were all going gaga about the idea of sapphire screens, with a surprising (or not-so-surprising) readiness to say goodbye to good old trusty Gorilla Glass. Well, maybe not all of us, but the thought of sapphire screens more resistant than Gorilla... Read more
Nvidia GeForce GTX 780 Faster Than Xbox One
Everyone’s all excited about the next generation gaming console from Microsoft, the Xbox One. It is common knowledge that any decent hardcore gamer would always go for the Xbox over any other console, but when it comes to gaming, the PC still reigns supreme. And that’s what Nvidia knows... Read more
Microsoft To Launch Sculpt Mouse Range
Mice or mouses? Unless you’re particularly finicky when it comes to grammar, who cares? (If you really are particular about these things, though, you’ll find this discussion interesting.) However you wish to call a bunch of those devices you use to point and click when using the computer, you... Read more
Microsoft’s Kinect For Xbox One Also To Come To Windows
The official reveal of Microsoft’s Xbox One was surrounded by a lot of hype, quite naturally; and when the news was finally broken, enthusiasts and critics alike were not lacking for things to say. For one thing, the name was not exactly what practically everyone thought it would be.... Read more
Waze Sparks Bidding War Between Facebook & Google
Well, it’s not that Waze is actively egging on a war, but it is at the center of things. The popular map app (it has save my life so many times, especially during the time that Google Maps was removed from iOS) is at the receiving end of interest... Read more
Samsung’s New Display Resolution Blows Away Macbook & Chromebook
Wasn’t it just the other day that I was raving about Macs and not going back (to Windows, of course)? With the Retina screens, Apple has done so much more to make people like me really happy with their devices. Of course, it was only a matter of time... Read more
Microsoft Surface Mini: Does it Have a Chance?
The trend of gadgets becoming smaller and slimmer has been around for quite some time, only to be broken by those devices some like to call phablets. I don’t think that anyone can deny that there is a market for smaller gadgets, though, as evidenced by the popularity of... Read more
Dwindling MacBook Air Supply Points to New Version Coming
I’ve always loved the saying “Once you go Mac, you’ll never go back”. I want to think I came up with that, but I probably heard it somewhere. In any case, I would go one step further and come up with something witty about going the MacBook Air route,... Read more
Does Tumblr Have A Porn Problem Or Not?
So the Interweb is all abuzz on a Monday, thanks to the news about Yahoo buying out microblogging site Tumblr. Not everyone is on Tumblr, for sure, but the site has had a very strong following, and one would normally say that it is a feat for Yahoo to... Read more
Windows 8.1 Free Update Available June 26th
Since it was announced, Windows Blue has functioned like a carrot on a stick for Windows 8 users who have had complaints about the operating system. Well, that may very well be majority of the users, but Windows has never been a stranger to complaints anyway. It is quite... Read more
Square Card Swiper Turns iPad Into Register
For most people, the iPad is probably a device used mainly for entertainment purposes – to play games, watch videos, browse the Internet, or read ebooks. Some use it for work purposes, to write perhaps. But we’ve also seen commercial establishments using iPads to enhance customer experience. And this... Read more
Google All Access Launched: Unlimited Music Streaming
The online radio streaming service niche does not leave much room for newcomers, but if the newcomer has big a name as Google, then the picture suddenly changes. Google has been known to enter markets that are already crowded, and with its propensity for innovation, it has also been... Read more
BBM for Android & iOS Announced
If there’s one thing that BlackBerry can be proud of, it’s the BBM messaging service. I think that everyone can say that for the majority – if not all – of the BlackBerry users they know, BBM was the thing that clinched the deal. Of course, we have heard... Read more
The Best And Worst 3D Prints
3D printing has gotten consumers all excited because of the potential it offers. From the creative to the curious to the entrepreneur, the endless possibilities of 3D printing have  been difficult to resist. Today, 3D printing is more accessible to the average person, although it still cannot be considered... Read more
Flipboard Personalized Magazines Now On Android
Since its launch, Flipboard has quickly become one of the go-to news and content apps for many information-hungry users. With its “flip-to-read” functionality and pleasing aesthetics, the success of the app is not really a surprise. To make the user experience even better, Flipboard launched personalized magazines earlier this... Read more
Top 5 iOS 7 Rumors

Top 5 iOS 7 Rumors

Mobile May 13, 2013

Whenever the time for a new iOS version comes near, pundits and average users alike run around like headless chickens, declaring and wishing for features that are needed and wanted. History has taught us that where there is smoke, there is fire; so when the inevitable slew of iOS... Read more