FileHippo News

The latest software and tech news

Google Maps for iOS 6 Becomes Most Downloaded App
Wednesday the new Google Maps was released for the iPhone and has already become the most downloaded free app in the store. The drama between Google and Apple began when Apple decided not to use Google Maps in its new iPhone 5 release, instead creating its own Apple Maps. ... Read more
Indiegogo Goes Further Launching Local Sites
About two months ago, leading crowdfunding site Kickstarter opened up its doors to the international scene by allowing UK-based projects. While that’s not exactly including everyone, it still was welcome news to many budding entrepreneurs across the ocean. Its counterpart (or rival, if you wish to see it that way),... Read more
Occupy Wall Street Protester Pleads Guilty to Keep Tweets Private
Malcolm Harris pled guilty to disorderly conduct during the mass march in October 2011 across the Brooklyn Bridge.  He has been the subject of an ongoing battle between Twitter and the government.   Back in September, a New York Supreme Court Judge ruled that Twitter must provide the tweets... Read more
Sprint and Dish Team Up for a Wireless Network
Expectations are high for Sprint and DISH Network to make an announcement soon for a wireless network. DISH was just approved by the FCC for the company to use its MSS S-band spectrum to build an LTE Advanced network. DISH would most likely be looking for a partner for... Read more
Internet Regulation Denied at UN Summit
Several members of the United Nations pushed hard for more regulation over the internet this week but the United States refused to sign on the dotted line. The new rules and regulations were proposed as part of the  United Nations’ Internet Telecommunication Union (ITU) proposal. The new communications proposal was... Read more
YouTube Changes in a Bid to Get More Subscribers
Any website would be happy with 800 million users. However, this isn’t the case with the world’s leading video sharing website, YouTube. Providing people hours of entertainment at a click, the website has grown to become one of the most widely used. Last year, the website underwent an overhaul... Read more
Firefox Add-ons for the Aesthetically Inclined
What’s the main thing you look at when deciding what web browser to use? For sure, five people asked the same question will offer different answers. I would not be suprised if answers along the lines of “nice to look at” and “pretty” are just as common as “fast”.... Read more
New Google Mobile Ads to Reduce Accidental Clicks
Google on Thursday announced a new type of Google mobile ad that aims to avoid “fat fingering” ads from a users smartphone.  The aim of the new ad format is to ensure that users taken to an ad actually want to see the site in question. In the past... Read more
Pinterest & Twitter Partnership
Pinterest seems to be picking up where Instagram left off.  After the bitter battle that has caused the separation between Twitter and Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter seem to be developing a partnership that could benefit both of them. Pinterest photos are already available on Twitter and the website has... Read more
Google Maps For iOS 6 Finally Released
Google, Inc. on Wednesday night at 11PM Eastern Standard Time released Google Maps for Apple iOS 6, the company’s long-awaited answer to Apple Maps. The free Google Maps application includes Google local search, voice-guided turn-by-turn navigation, public transit directions and street views. While the app only just now came... Read more
FAA Looks to Revise In-Flight Electronics Rules
How many people get irritated at the requirement to turn off their cell phones prior to take off and landing?  Now the Federal Communications Commission is seeking to change that.  The chairman says that mobile devices are an essential part of our lives and allow businesses to be more... Read more
Microsoft’s New Marketing Angle
It is hard to decipher what the people running things at Microsoft are thinking. They have enough on their plate with the Motorola patent lawsuit and the below par performance of their new operating system, the Windows 8. Yet, they found time to court another potential controversy. The company... Read more
Redbox Instant Streaming To Launch in December
The movie streaming space is about to become a little bit more crowded. Redbox has announced plans to officially launch its new movie streaming and video rental service before the end of the year. Redbox Instant by Verizon will go live at a cost of $8 per month. The... Read more
Asus and Netgear Working on Google TV Devices
According to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) filings, both Asus and Netgear are working on Google TV devices. There hasn’t been any official confirmation or denial from either company but news outlets have picked up the scoop and reported it widely. Based on the filings, it can be deduced that... Read more
T-Mobile and the iPhone: A Happy Match for Customers
T-Mobile just announced that it would be getting the iPhone sometime next year. While this may not be big news for some, it is a big deal for those who have been long-time customers of the service provider. While T-Mobile has not given details about the Apple products they will... Read more
PayPal Moves in New Direction with New President
David Marcus has been at the helm of PayPal for just a few months and is already working on improving the image and adding new features to the pay site.  PayPal has been the trusted way to pay online for several years, first being recognized with eBay.  However, new... Read more
Samsung continues its run as one of the leading tablet makers in the world after the Korean company announced it has sold 5 million units of the Galaxy Note II in just two months. A statement from the firm stated that the phablet has been performing as per expectations... Read more
Google And Apple Partner To Purchase Kodak Patents
Google and Apple are usually in court to battle one another over patent infringements, however this week the two tech giants have announced a partnership aimed as securing the rights to Kodak’s vast library of technology patents. According to various reports the company’s will team up to offer $500... Read more