FileHippo News

The latest software and tech news

35 Million Getty Images Become Free To Use
Have you ever-needed specific images for something and didn’t quite know where to look?  Well my friends, the search is over as the world’s largest photo agency, Getty Images, has made a massive amount of its library free to use, in an effort to combat online piracy. Millions of... Read more
New Features Added to FastStone Image Viewer
FastStone Image Viewer is an easy-to-use tool for editing, converting and viewing images. Packed full of features, it supports all major graphic formats and also popular digital camera RAW formats. The latest version, FastStone Image Viewer 5.0, sees an added option to the Slide Show tool, called ‘Crop to... Read more
CP+ Japan: Overview
Each year Japanese consumers gather at CP+ in Yokohama, Japan for a four-day trade show.  All the big names always show off their new product lines to local audiences here and have done so for the last 50 years.  Canon and Nikon still dominate the digital imaging market, closely followed by other players... Read more
ii Earphones Snap Strap Keep Earphones From Falling Out
In this day and age, a quality pair of earphones (or earbuds, headphones, whatever you want to call them) are essential to get through the day. If you use public transportation to get to work, then there’s a fair chance that you listen to music during your commutes. If... Read more
Flag App Will Print & Mail Your Photos For Free
Since smartphones came along, we all do things a lot differently than we used to. Take developing pictures for instance. In years gone by, we had to take a roll of film from a camera into a photo center and choose how we wanted it to be developed. Then,... Read more
Passenger Records His Plane Crashing & Takes Selfies
If you were aboard a plane that was crashing, what would you do when you realized all hope was lost? Would you say a prayer? Try and take charge and calm everyone down as much as possible? Maybe call your spouse, family or kids? Or, maybe you’d take out... Read more
The Pill To Make You Pitch Perfect
Ear splitting renditions of popular songs on karaoke could be a thing of the past if the drug developed by Professor Takao Hensch gives us the ability to learn perfect pitch as he says it does. Professor Hensch works in molecular and cellular biology at Harvard University. He believed... Read more
Early Antarctic Photographs Taken By Explorers Found Preserved
A team from the New Zealand Antarctic Heritage Trust have made a fascinating discovery. Whilst conserving an Antarctic exploration hut, the team stumbled across a small box of undeveloped negatives, which have been frozen in a block of ice for almost 100 years. Ironically photographers historically stored film in... Read more
Metallica Goes Under The Dome In Antarctica
Perhaps taking their cue from Stephen King himself, Metallica recently went under the dome; don’t worry, they’re not stuck inside the dome without any connection to the outside world, they just decided to perform a special concert in a dome. Oh yeah, if this isn’t news worthy enough for... Read more
Meet The New Nokia Music Service: Nokia Mix Radio
Music makes the world go round, and if you don’t believe that, just take a look at the countless music apps out there. Every brand has to have their own, and no wonder: people keep using them and spending money on them! I don’t know about you, but I... Read more
GESTURES App Promises Easier & Better Pictures
For anyone who likes to take pictures with a phone, which is probably most of us, there comes a point when we realize that there are just too many buttons on the camera interface. There seems to be a button or icon for everything under the sun: flash, capture,... Read more
Meet The Z-Machines: The First All Robot Band
Now this is just awesome – if we had any doubts that the future was here, those doubts can now be laid to rest. Allow me to introduce you to the Z-Machines. Forget Metallica, the Z-Machines are a heavy metal band in every sense of the word – the... Read more
Bluetooth Speaker P.A.C.O Makes Use Of Gesture Controls
Created by the Italy-based design studio Digital Habit(s), P.A.C.O is a minimalist Bluetooth speaker that boasts for gestural controls. The components of the loudspeaker is fabricated in concrete and a special type of wooden material called the Fir Harmonic Board. These materials directly influence the excellence of the sound... Read more
Narrate Your Photo Stream With Shadow Puppet App
Carl Sojgreen and Adrian Graham built the Shadow Puppet application back in April 2013 but it launched at the same time as the iOS 7 update. The ex Google and Facebook executives who are used to building winning apps have created an application for people to turn their photos... Read more
Acoustic Levitation: Surfing Objects on Sound Waves
Scientists have been looking for effective ways to levitate objects for decades. Several methods exist nowadays, such as magnetism and light, electrostatic fields or sound waves, but they all have their own drawbacks. Acoustic levitation has generally been the preferred method, as unlike its counterparts, it can float larger... Read more
Welcome Back, VLC For iOS!
VLC has long been one of the most reliable video players for people all over the world. Whether you are a Mac lover or a PC loyalist, when it comes to VLC, there just seems to be a meeting point where users agree that it is one of the... Read more
Is Instagram Video Going To Kill Vine?
So everyone who said that the Facebook event was going to be all about Instagram video was right. The “big idea” from a “small team” indeed turned out to be video sharing via what used to be a photo-only platform. And yes, the filters are there. Of course, this... Read more
Google All Access Launched: Unlimited Music Streaming
The online radio streaming service niche does not leave much room for newcomers, but if the newcomer has big a name as Google, then the picture suddenly changes. Google has been known to enter markets that are already crowded, and with its propensity for innovation, it has also been... Read more