FileHippo News

The latest software and tech news

Xbox One Could Last 10 Years
With the PlayStation 4 releasing imminent, excitement about the future of next-generation gaming is clearly in the air. While the Xbox One doesn’t officially release until November 22, 2013, that doesn’t stop it from making news today. Craig Flannagan is the director of marketing for Xbox Canada, and he... Read more
Knock App Lets You Unlock Your Mac By Knocking On Your iPhone
I have a confession: I dislike putting passwords and passcodes on my devices. I find the extra step to be a hindrance, especially since I find myself having to unlock devices several times in an hour. It is a security measure, for sure, but I would rather have something... Read more
Viber 4.0 Adds Stickers, Push to Talk & Android Tablet Support
Viber 4.0 has just hit app stores!  The updated app carries new features such as; Stickers, push-to-talk voice messaging, and it also has support for Android tablets. CEO Talmon Marco recently said, “This is the most exciting release we’ve had for Viber since we launched the platform…Today’s updated version... Read more
Upp The Worlds First Hydrogen Fuel Cell Charger
Hydrogen fuel cells could be the future of our power. Companies use Hydrogen mixed with Oxygen to produce energy.  In the process, creating water as the by-product. In the case of Intelligent Energy’s Upp, it uses a replaceable hydrogen cell to charge smartphones, tablets or mobiles.  In fact, whatever... Read more
MYBELL Seeks To Improve Biker Safety
With cycling continuing to gain in popularity, it seems bike technology is ever expanding as well. Just within the past couple of months, I have read of improved bike helmets, bike locks, and more. It has never been safer to ride a bike, and if the MYBELL takes off,... Read more
Wireless Power One Step Closer!
A team from the Duke University have discovered a technology that can turn microwave signals into an electrical signal. They claim it is as efficient as solar panels. The device that the team produced used metamaterials, which are able to capture different types of wave energy and convert them... Read more
Verizon Announces Its Ellipsis 7 Tablet 
Verizon just joined the tablet wars by officially announcing its first 7-inch Android tablet, the Ellipsis 7. It’s not like we need another tablet to add to the already sometimes overwhelming set of choices, but there is always the thought of another manufacturer possibly bringing something new to the... Read more
Google Apps Doesn’t Support IE9 Anymore
We just heard about the update to Microsoft Web Apps, which gives it a fighting chance against Google and its online suite of tools. Now, from the other end, there is also a new development: Google Apps will no longer support Internet Explorer 9. Last week, the Google Apps... Read more
Filter Your Reusable Water Bottle With A ShakeFilter
There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that drinking water from disposable plastic bottles is becoming more and more the norm, especially in the USA. Disposable water bottles are cheap, convenient, and they don’t take up a lot of room – unless you’re talking about the room the water... Read more
Retailers Pour $1 Billion Into Call Of Duty: Ghosts
Retailers have set a pretty lofty goal with the release of the latest Call of Duty game. Just how lofty? Well, they have been shipped $1 billion worth of Call of Duty: Ghosts to sell. As CNET reports, this doesn’t mean that they’ve actually made that much money from consumers,... Read more
The Yooner: A Sled With Built-In Shocks
As anyone who has grown up around a lot of snow will tell you, when it comes to sledding it’s easy to get a little too ambitious. After all, landing on a little bit of snow can’t hurt all that bad, right? Wrong – and in more ways than... Read more
Archie McPhee Gift Alarm Protects Presents From Snoopers
With the Christmas season quickly approaching, I wanted to offer an easy suggestion to make sure your family and friends are appropriately surprised by their gifts on Christmas morning. There’s enough to worry about during the Christmas season without having to worry if someone is trying to snoop into... Read more
The Nomad: Great Espresso Anywhere At Any Time
For anyone who loves a good cup of espresso at their local coffee shop but has been unable to quite match the quality at home (or anywhere else for that matter), there may be hope on your horizon. Or, for anyone who loves camping and espresso, your camping trips might... Read more
Microsoft’s Office Web Apps Challenges Google Docs With Real-Time Editing 
“A document is only as good as the people who contribute to it. So today, we’re introducing a new way for people to collaborate on documents with Office Web Apps.” (Amanda Lefebvre, Microsoft) That sounds promising, doesn’t it? For many of us, Microsoft Office has been the go-to tool... Read more
Evernote & Adonit Collaborate On Jot Script Stylus
The Evernote family of products is, well, ever growing!  It seems as though they are not doing this all by themselves.  Evernote has teamed up with Adonit for the new Jot Script Evernote Edition Stylus, which, when used with the updated handwriting app for the iPad, Penultimate, delivers a... Read more’s Wireless Home Entry wants the same convenience that’s available to car owners via keyless entry and bring it to residential multi-unit complexes,  thereby making it possible for anyone who lives in one, to just walk up to the door and open it, thanks to an RFID device carried on their person. For... Read more
Robotic Titan Arm Wins James Dyson Award
A team of four mechanical engineering students have won the 2013 James Dyson Award with their exoskeleton named the Titan Arm. The team from the University of Pennsylvania spent eight months creating the battery-powered robotic arm. They hope the invention will help people with back injuries to rebuild and regain... Read more
Nintendo Video App Bringing New Shows To Nintendo 3DS
Nintendo is beginning to breathe new life into the Nintendo 3DS with 5 new shows that will be exclusively available on the handheld device. Nintendo Video, which has been available as an app on the 3DS since 2011 is proud to offer these 5 shows for free, and four... Read more