FileHippo News

The latest software and tech news

Rescuing Your Data: A Comprehensive Guide to Data Recovery Solutions

Our digital lives hinge on data, from personal memories to essential work documents. Losing this crucial information can be devastating. Fortunately, data recovery software offers a vital safety net. This guide examines the intricacies of data recovery, its practical applications, and how to choose the right software for protecting your…

Facebook Launches Embeddable Video Player
Facebook is getting serious with video. After setting videos to autoplay last year, it is now offering a way to embed the videos using HTML code. YouTube offered the same type of embed code a few years ago. Now, most traffic to YouTube comes from embeds from other sites,... Read more
Facebook Launches Apps For Messenger & Business Features
Facebook has launched the next step on Messenger, its second largest messaging service behind WhatsApp. Instead of merging the two apps, Facebook intends to make Messenger a platform for more than just text chat. It has launched Messenger Platform, allowing third-party developers to create apps to run over-the-top of... Read more
Twitter Trials Abuse Blocking Filter
Internet trolls are everywhere and occasionally you may come across some, if you offend them with your opinion. Trolling is becoming more and more prevalent on social media sites such as  Facebook and Twitter. Thankfully the social networks that we all use and love are not blind to the... Read more
Instagram Launches Layout Collage App
Popular image sharing app Instagram, has just launched a new app called Layout. The new app is designed to help users create image collages before sharing them on their social networks. Layout is initially only available for iOS on iPhone. It won’t be long before Android receive their version... Read more
Pay Friends Through Facebook Messenger
Facebook is launching a new payments service on Messenger, allowing friends to send money to one another in a convenient way without any fees. The social network has been working on the payments service for around a year, picking up some talent from PayPal and Square. It is said... Read more
LinkedIn Has Acquired Careerify
LinkedIn has recently acquired another start-up in order to build up their big data recruitment business. LinkedIn acquired Careerify, the Toronto start-up, as they focus upon software for businesses to hire different talent. Of the three products that Careerify has, two are being closed; one is an employer branding software product that... Read more
Facebook Won’t Let You Feel Fat Anymore
For anyone out there who has “fat days” every now and then, you can still have them, you just won’t be able to share about it easily in your Facebook status update. If you’re an avid Facebook user, then you know that you can choose from just about any... Read more
Driver On Facebook Allegedly Kills 3 People
I’m not sure what it’s going to take to get drivers to put down their Facebook accounts while they’re driving, but if stories like this help in even the smallest way, I’ll keep sharing them. It was just pointed out within the last couple of weeks thanks to a... Read more
More Drivers Are Using Facebook On The Road
If your daily travels are anything like mine, then you probably see more people glued to their phones while driving than not. It’s only curious to wonder what they’re doing – texting, taking pictures, getting directions, asking Siri a question, actually having a phone conversation with someone else –... Read more
Facebook Accessibility Team Addresses Disabilities
Social media has become a vital tool for billions of people for a variety of reasons, but one key demographic of internet users are benefiting from the power of connectivity in ways that previous generations never could. Some sites have already become a haven for individuals with disability issues... Read more
Californian Town Adds Facebook Warning To Road Signs
You know too many people are addicted to Facebook when even road signs have to warn people to pay more attention to what they’re doing. I’m sure we’ve all noticed people walking down the street paying far more attention to what’s happening on their Facebook Newsfeed than what’s happening... Read more
Facebook Video Autoplay: How To Stop It
I don’t know about you, but I don’t like autoplay videos on the web or in apps for that matter.  If something catches my eye and I am intrigued about the topic, then I’ll click on it at my leisure, not when forced to. There are some websites that... Read more
Now You Can Choose Who Gets Your Facebook Page After You Die
There’s a lot of decisions that have to be made before you die, such as figuring out who’s going to get your prized possessions, where you’re going to be buried, what kind of funeral you want to have, who’s going to get what share of your estate, etc. And,... Read more
Twitter To Show Ad Tweets Across The Net
Twitter isn’t just another social network and hasn’t been for some time time now. The microblogging site has proven it’s capability to work across the planet in numerous countries. So what’s the next logical step? Advertising of course. Twitter is going to make stacks of advertising revenue and not in... Read more
WhatsApp Security Bug: Your Profile Picture ‘Could’ Be Viewed By Anyone
It has come to light that a potential security problem found in WhatsApp could mean that anyone could see a users’ profile photos. According to security researchers, this is even ‘if’ they have been set to be viewed by friends only. The security flaw, which was located by 17-year-old... Read more
Twitter Launches Vine for Kids
Micro blogging site Twitter, has just launched a new version of their Vine video-sharing app. This time it is aimed squarely at children. The Vine Kids app promises to filter out any inappropriate content. Vine Kids has initially launched for iOS  and it will provide a feed of “hand-selected”... Read more
Teen Murdered Over Snapchat Message
Snapchat has faced all kinds of controversy in the past year, not the least of which being when users of the photo-sharing service were hacked through a third party client and all kinds of pictures of underage teenagers were released on the internet. Even more recently, the popular app... Read more
Teen Expelled After Posting Pic Of Principal On Facebook
There are good uses for Facebook, and then there are not so good uses, as one teenager from England is learning the hard way. Despite the fact that you can say pretty much whatever you like on the social media site, that doesn’t mean your comments won’t occasionally have... Read more