Wearable Tech to Wow At CES
Internet January 6, 2014
Wearable tech is the next big thing. That’s the general consensus. The question, however, is who will make that big leap from a brilliant idea into a practical, realistic, and usable device. Even Google Glass doesn’t seem to have a huge chance of making it big – at least in... Read more
Wink To Take A Photo With Google Glass Update
Internet December 23, 2013
Google has announced a new feature for Google Glass allowing users to take photos by winking. The company has said that this feature is faster than a camera button or a voice command and can work even when the display is turned off. Google think that this wink feature... Read more
Google Glass Banned In A Seattle Restaurant
Internet December 1, 2013
The Lost Lake Cafe & Lounge in Seattle, has taken a firm stand against Google Glass wearers, banning the device from the establishment. Releasing an official policy on Google Glass through Facebook, the restaurant said that a recent customer was asked to leave the premises when they insisted in... Read more
Forget Google Glass – These Specs Can See Your Veins
Internet November 24, 2013
X-Ray glasses, which we may associate with a special agent, have just been given a practical twist. Thanks to the Silicon Valley-based company Evena Medical, there is now a pair of x-ray glasses that can help eradicate the harrowing experience of having a needle jabbed into a vein. The... Read more
Disney Research in Pittsburgh has developed a device that can transmit sound through the human body. The technology which has been called Ishin-Den-Shin, uses a normal microphone to record audio and then converts it into an inaudible signal, which can then be transmitted through the body of whoever is... Read more
Want Google Glass With Your Merc?
Internet August 21, 2013
Is it just me, or is the hype surrounding Google Glass dying down? Perhaps there just isn’t much more to talk about, with the launch date still quite far off. Still, the fact that other “glass-type” devices are cropping up provides justification to the idea that wearable tech is... Read more
UK Government to Ban Google Glass for Drivers
Internet August 2, 2013
Google‘s new smart, wearable glasses are set to join mobile phones on the driving blacklist.  The Department for Transport has taken action to ban drivers from using Google Glass, and even before Google’s smart eyewear launches to the general public. The government is concerned about the potential for distraction that could... Read more
Companies promote their new devices and products but no one it seems is as keen as Larry Page. We know that Page likes to show off Google Glass by wearing it at every opportunity but he has reached a new level as according to reports, he wore a pair... Read more
Hippflow, which provides a service that makes it easy to update investors, mentors, team members and other stakeholders on a startupâs progress and future plans, has now added support for Google Glass. The new Glass app brings Hippflow updates, which are pushed on the hour to Googleâs wearable tech,... Read more
Google has said that it will not be changing the privacy policy for Google Glass. The company sent a letter to US Congressman Joe Barton on June 7 in response to an open letter that contained eight questions surrounding concerns about Google Glass. Barton, who is co-chair of the... Read more