FileHippo News

The latest software and tech news

Manage Your PC, Mobile Devices, Apps And More With Ellp
We review Ellp – the PC assistant that automates your daily tasks, keeps your PC running smoothly, and helps you get organized. Smart devices aren’t very “smart” if you spend too much time checking up on them to make sure they’re doing all the things you need done. That’s... Read more
Top 10 Project Management And Collaboration Apps
Organise teams, deliver great projects and nail work flows with these brilliant apps.  Whether you work on your own, in a small team, or as part of a large organisation, project management and collaboration apps can make a massive difference in helping to make things run smoothly, efficiently, and on time.... Read more
Move Over, Trello, Microsoft Planner Is Here
With the launch of Planner, Microsoft’s answer to Trello, some of Microsoft’s premium customers can already take advantage of the new tile in their Office 365 apps. Microsoft has certainly been busy. Windows 10 is a done deal, the purchase of LinkedIn is rolling along, so why not launch... Read more
Organise Anything With Anyone With Project Management Software Trello
So, the humble Trello is this week’s featured project management software, and why not. It’s way past due. Unfortunately, it’s going to be tough for me to be even remotely impartial with this one, because Trello pretty much is my work bible. I mean, it literally organises my work... Read more
Wrike Web App Leads The Field In Productivity
The internet has done great things for the world as a whole, not the least of which is the way it’s enabled huge changes in distance collaboration. Whether it’s working with a top-notch design team across the country, or learning from one of the best professors in your field... Read more Now Hosting Project Management Software
We thought we might try something a bit different this year and kick off 2016 with a new addition to our site: Project Management Software. As of right now, we are trialing our new Web Apps section to see what our users make of it. So far, the response and... Read more
Basecamp Finally Creates an iOS App
The popular project management platform, Basecamp, finally has an official iOS app.  Formerly only available through mobile web and third party Android and iOS apps, Basecamp already has a massive amount of users .  Basecamp already manages over 8 million projects. With their new iOS app, it is easy... Read more