FileHippo News

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VEGAS Pro 17: 2020 review
According to online social media publication, Social Media Today, 78% of people watch video online each week and video streaming on mobile devices increases by 100% every year. On top of that, it’s predicted that one million videos per second will come online by 2022, accounting for 82% of... Read more
Telegram: The best free messaging app you’ve never heard of
Ask a friend about which messaging app she uses and you’re likely to hear Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and maybe Hangouts by Google (although that’s a lot less likely). But since 2013 there’s been another messaging tool out there called Telegram, which offers several key benefits over its more commercial... Read more
Disclosure: Our team is always looking for things we think our readers will value. We have received compensation for publishing this article. Since its development in the late 1940’s, artificial intelligence (AI) has been used for everything from game playing to helping to improve healthcare. Broadly speaking, AI involves... Read more