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Keylogging, the hacking tool that can monitor and store copies of what is being typed by the user, is well known for being an... FBI’s Magic Lantern – The Ultimate Keylogger

Keylogging, the hacking tool that can monitor and store copies of what is being typed by the user, is well known for being an instrument of choice for hackers and identity thieves. However there is another user who is often overlooked; the FBI.

The FBI has confirmed that it has a computer program called “Magic Lantern”, which is capable of infiltrating a target’s system and harvesting various types of data.

FBI's Magic Lantern - The Ultimate Keylogger

Take a look at the following infographic to learn how Magic Lantern has developed over recent times and just what this program can assist in stealing from a target’s system.

Magic Lantern Inforgraphic

[Images via oxrun & mobistealth]