Car enthusiasts will rave – and rant – about anything and everything about every single car that rolls out of the factory. I suppose that we all have a bit of Top Gear thinking (well, wishing) in us, but the fact remains that it is rather hard to diss cars of the future; at least when it comes to all those high-tech features that are constantly being added.
If you are an iOS fan, and you have this thing about connecting the threads of your life together, then you might be interested in the 2014 Honda Civic. Truth be told you can do a lot worse than drive a Honda Civic. After all, this car is one of the best-selling cars around the world.
And with the 2014 Honda Civic, tech enthusiasts – those with iOS tendencies, to be exact – will have even more to celebrate.
First off, Siri plays an integral part in Honda’s Display Audio in-car technology. If you’re an iPhone owner, then your mobile phone will fit right in. The 2014 Honda Civic has integrated features to allow drivers to use their iPhone totally hands-free, thanks to a Talk button on the steering wheel. Whether you want to look up directions, check the weather, or send a text message, this feature makes it so much safer. Of course, there is nothing to beat the argument that you really shouldn’t use your phone when driving!
Of course, it’s not just Siri. The Display Audio system also includes a 7-inch touchscreen display, which allows access to all sorts of content. Even better, when your phone is connected, you can pipe everything to the display, making viewing easier – and safer.
Here’s Honda’s video introducing its next gen in-vehicle connectivity plans.
With Honda not being the most expensive car brand there is, the integration of this technology makes is even more attractive. I wonder what Android users who are considering buying a Honda think…
[Image via 9to5Mac]