Anyone who has spent some time playing on a gaming console knows just how it can take you to a whole new world (or dimension, if you want). However, there is something to be said about PC gaming, and everyone knows that that experience is hard to beat. Of course, that niche is also profitable.
Not too long ago, Microsoft has announced its commitment to PC gaming (or re-commitment, rather), but it might have been dealt a serious blow by Jason Holtman leaving.
Jason who? Mister Holtman has the distinction of having been part of the Valve team, and he played a role in building Steam. More than enough PC gaming cred, right?
Well, in August last year, Holtman joined the ranks of Microsoft employees with the goal of taking Windows to a whole new gaming level – Windows as a platform for gaming as well as interactive entertainment. That, of course, bode very well for Microsoft especially considering its goals when it comes to PC gaming.
Yesterday, though, Microsoft confirmed that Jason Holtman has broken rank – not even reaching the six-month mark.
VG 24/7 quotes Microsoft’s official statement: “We can confirm that Jason has left Microsoft and we’re grateful for his time at the company. We wish him the best in his future endeavours.”
A very PR-y, canned response, but that is all we’re going to get at the moment. We don’t know what the real issue is, but one thing is for sure, according to Microsoft: PC gaming is still one of their commitments, and they have long-term plans for this niche.
Microsoft partner creative director Ken Lobb reiterates the company’s commitment to the PC and PC gamers:
“Now we’re one [unified] Microsoft. I don’t see this as pressure. I see it as an opportunity. We have more support internally to support PC more. That’s great! My only expectation would be, please let us continue to do that over a five-year period so we can have real impact. That’s how it feels right now. We’re getting very strong support internally. So we’re really going after PC.”
PC gamers, convinced or not?
[Image via teksyndicate]