How to Manage Multiple Instagram Accounts
How ToMobileSocial Media December 16, 2012 Noemi

Ever since Instagram was launched in October 2010, the photo sharing cum social networking platform has exploded in user base. While it was only available for iOS devices in the beginning, Android couldn’t be totally ignored with its huge number of users as well. And, as things went, Instagram transformed a lot of common folk into budding photographers.
Of course, there were – are – also Instagram users who have multiple accounts for varying reasons. Just like some people have different Facebook accounts to contain certain information to specific groups, there are users who may do the same with Instagram. Then we have online professionals who may have to use Instagram both for personal use and work purposes.
Whatever the reason behind your need for multiple Instagram accounts, there is a pressing need to find a way to manage them efficiently.
The sad truth
It is sad, but true – there is no way for us right now to use multiple accounts via the Instagram app. The only way to use different accounts for the same app is to log out of the current account and then log in using other credentials. It’s a hassle, but we have no choice.
A workaround
There is a workaround, yes, but be forewarned: you can only view, like, and comment on photos. Uploading will NOT work, as Instagram does not allow any other app to do that, and I think they are unlikely to do that either.
The best thing to do is to download either of these two apps: Multigram or Fotogramme.
Basically, these apps allow you to link multiple Instagram accounts so that you can access their feeds all in one place. That does take away the hassle of logging in and out of the official Instagram app to check your feeds. With Multigram or Fotogramme, however, all you can do is look at the feeds. You can chime in and like photos – from the feeds of all your accounts – that catch your eye.
I know it’s disappointing, and maybe even irritating, not to be able to upload photos from these apps, but there really is no other way to do that at moment. Except for using the official app.
[Image via wggb]