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When people think of texting and driving they often think of teenagers.  Most texting and driving public service announcements feature teens or their parents... Adults Text and Drive More than Teens

When people think of texting and driving they often think of teenagers.  Most texting and driving public service announcements feature teens or their parents speaking out against such behavior. However, new information from surveys of adults and teens performed by AT&T sheds light on the realities of texting and driving.  The information could surprise you.  According to the results of the survey, more adults than teenagers admit to texting while behind the wheel.

Adults Text and Drive More than Teens

The adult survey was of 1,011 adult drivers in the United States who also own cell phones. The teen survey included 1,200 drivers who were between the ages of 15 and 19 years old. While a clear majority of people admit that they are aware that texting and driving isn’t safe – 98% of respondents to be precise – many admit to disregarding the safety issue.  Of the survey respondents, 49% of adults admit to texting while driving, compared to 43% of teens. The numbers from the survey make it clear that this isn’t a problem for just teenagers.  In fact, the survey reveals that the problem is only getting worse.  Some of the results from the survey indicate that attitudes and habits are changing regarding texting and driving . Data from the survey shows that six out of ten adult respondents indicated that, three years ago, they never texted behind the wheel. Additionally, of the adults who admitted to texting and driving, approximately 40% stated that it was a habit, rather than an occasional behavior.

This truly frightening trend continues despite the fact that the public is aware of the dangers. According to the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, those who text while driving are 23 times more likely to get into an accident.  More people are calling for action on this public health issue. AT&T conducted the surveys as part of the “It Can Wait” campaign. According to AT&T, “Through the It Can Wait movement, AT&T is collaborating with employers, nonprofits, law enforcement, educators, legislators, professional associations and government agencies nationwide.”  The campaign calls for people to make a personal commitment to never text and drive.

[Image via aacriminallaw]